Politics+Current Affairs

What’s the Truth Behind Serial? Only God Knows
Inconclusive storytelling stirs our longing for justice.
God’s Defense Attorney
Millionaire lawyer Mark Lanier moonlights as a Sunday school teacher.
Christian Colleges vs. Hookup Culture
The good intentions behind conservative campus rules.
Why Torture Is a Complete Failure
Former war crimes prosecutor: Legally, morally, and practically, ‘enhanced interrogation’ does not work.
Do They Know It's Christmas in Sierra Leone? Ebola Cancels Celebrations
Deadly disease brings a bit more accuracy to much-maligned Band Aid advocacy song.
Bob Jones University Apologizes for Failing Sexual Abuse Victims
(UPDATED) 300-page GRACE report recommends BJU impose 'corrective action' on chancellor Robert Jones III.
How To Be A Christlike Ally
Many of us want to be allies to our African American brothers and sisters but don't know how. The incarnation of Jesus shows us the way.
Michael Lindsay on Covenant and Conflict at Gordon College
The college's president says the issues on campus go deeper than 'homosexual practice.'
A Lesson from Rape Stories: We Don’t Get What We Deserve
It’s time to recognize that our world isn’t fair. And do something about it.
Evangelical Sex Talk Is About Much More Than Sex
Our views on life inside the bedroom can shape our approach to life outside the bedroom.
Dear White Brothers and Sisters: Why #BlackLivesMatter Matters to You
Eric Garner and Tamir Rice did not deserve to die. A guest post by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson.
The Man Who Humanized War
He still shapes our wartime ideals 150 years later.
Ferguson, Church, and Continuing the Conversation
How can we continue the conversation on race in every season? A guest post by Rich Villodas
Common Ground for Christians and Common Core
A teacher’s perspective on how higher standards serve poor students.
The Unremarkable Call to Love Our Gay Neighbors
Glenn Stanton shows how friendship and biblical fidelity belong together.
A United Evangelical Response: The System Failed Eric Garner
What pastors, professors, and others are saying about the grand jury's decision not to indict.
What One Racially Divided Family Can Do
Two small steps that may start to address the black/white divide in the church.
Why the Ebola Crisis Needs a More Biblical Response
Ministry leaders empower West African Christians to do what no government or hospital can do.
Sorry, Tertullian
Recent research tests the most famous adage about the persecuted church.
The Cosby Show Dilemma
When fictional dads and happy endings get tangled in real-life scandal.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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