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Kids Aren’t Cheap. That Doesn’t Fully Explain Why We’re Ambivalent About Having Them.
A new book explores why what was once a default life stage now feels like an increasingly fraught choice.
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Our message cannot be market tested or manufactured.
Por que os homens jovens não estão conseguindo voar com as próprias asas
Para os homens da Geração Z, que se sentem sem propósito e perdidos, o caminho para sair do sofá é o caminho da cruz.
Le caractère n’a-t-il vraiment plus d’importance ?
La « pudibonderie joyeuse » de l’évangélique Ned Flanders a cédé la place à la vulgarité, la misogynie et l’esprit partisan. Quel impact pour notre témoignage ?
Por que o caráter não importa mais?
O “jovial puritanismo” de Ned Flanders [personagem de Os Simpsons] deu lugar à vulgaridade, à misoginia e ao partidarismo. O que isso significa para o nosso testemunho?
Why Character Doesn’t Matter Anymore
The “cheerful prudery” of Ned Flanders has given way to vulgarity, misogyny, and partisanship. What does this mean for our witness?
Jesus Freaks in the Taylor Swift Era
Blessed are those who are weird for righteousness’ sake, not just dabbling in baseless conspiracy theories about a pop star and the NFL.
Why Young Men Are Failing to Launch
For Gen Z men who feel purposeless and lost, the way off the couch is the way of the Cross.
The 2016 Election Sent Me Searching for Answers
Politics had become a false idol, and I needed a deeper source of purpose and meaning.
A Conservative Evangelical Defense of Disney
Its progressive turn is real. But its most beloved films are surprisingly compatible with many aspects of a Christian worldview.
Russell Moore’s Favorite Books of 2023
From rabbits and Inklings to Kardashians and King, here are the year’s best reads according to CT’s editor in chief.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 83|47min
Tim Alberta on the White Evangelical Crisis
The author joins Moore to discuss faith, fear, and the future of America.
Campus Antisemitism and the Lessons of a Nazi-Occupied Church
We do not love our “side” if we let it slide into movements that history and our consciences show lead to atrocities.
The Problem with Anti-Anti-Christian Nationalism
Moderate Christian nationalists shouldn't be smeared. But neither should extremism be defended.
Afinal, como os homens devem viver?
Nossa cultura não pode dizer o que um homem deve ser. Mas a igreja pode.
How Then Should Men Live?
Our culture won’t say what a man should be. The church can.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 67|44min
Losing Our Religion: David Brooks on the Allure of Tribalism
The columnist and author talks conservatism, conversion, and connection.
For Some Christians, Ohio’s Issue 1 Wasn’t All About Abortion
Not all Christians in Ohio agreed on how to approach the referendum, which aimed to raise the threshold for passing constitutional amendments.

Top Story June 14, 2024

Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.

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