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Police Officers Are Burning Out. Can Chaplains Help?
Spiritual care is essential as stressors among law enforcement rise.
Being HumanEpisode 13|44min
The Chaplain Who Taught Steve Systems Theory: George Doebler
Learning to notice dynamics in ourselves and others.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 101|47min
Nancy French on Love, Trauma, and Partisan Politics
The author and journalist reflects on her own life and the American landscape.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 95|50min
Jennie Allen’s Help For Tangled Emotions
How God meets us in our mental health, memories, and mourning.
Where Ya From?Episode 63|56min
‘Finding Healing in Brokenness’ with Toni Collier
God’s love can transform messes into masterpieces.
Being HumanEpisode 5|44min
The Journey into Emotional Health
Steve welcomes his wife, therapist Lisa Cuss, for a discussion on trauma, grief, and healing.
Ele investiga denúncias de perseguição a cristãos
Veja o impacto surpreendente que esse trabalho tem em sua fé.
Il examine les récits des chrétiens qui ont connu le pire.
Le travail de ce chercheur de Portes Ouvertes en Afrique de l’Est a eu un effet contre-intuitif sur sa foi.
Він перевіряє факти щодо християн, які пережили гоніння
Він є дослідником Open Doors зі Східної Африки. Робота неочікуваним чином вплинула на його віру.
Он проверяет факты относительно христиан, переживших гонения
Он является исследователем Open Doors из Восточной Африки. Работа неожиданным образом повлияла на его веру.
Su trabajo consiste en verificar la legitimidad de los hechos cuando los cristianos experimentan lo peor
Es investigador de Puertas Abiertas en África Oriental y su trabajo ha tenido un efecto poco previsible en su fe.
He Fact-Checks Christians Who Have Experienced the Worst
He’s an East African researcher for Open Doors. The work has counterintuitively affected his faith.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 88|40min
Tender Questions on Parenting, Adoption, and Sexuality
Russell and producer Ashley Hales respond to listeners.
David Brooks on How to Know a Person
The author and columnist speaks to honoring our common humanity.
The 2016 Election Sent Me Searching for Answers
Politics had become a false idol, and I needed a deeper source of purpose and meaning.
Viral JesusEpisode 77|48min
TikTok Therapy: Red Flag or Green Flag?
Author and trauma specialist Kobe Campbell discusses mental health, social media, and the benefits of burnout.
A última tragédia com negros também é um trauma para todos nós
O sofrimento comunitário deve ser reconhecido. Assim como a palavra de cura que vem de Deus.
The Latest Black Tragedy Is My Trauma Too
Communal suffering has to be reckoned with. And so does God’s healing word.
50 Trauma-Informed Ideas Your Church Can Put Into Practice
The ideas encompass various aspects of church life, including worship, pastoral care, small group activities, and community outreach.
A Guide to Trauma-Informed Youth Ministry
Creating a trauma-informed youth ministry requires intentionality, compassion, and a commitment to learning and growth.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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