Church Life+Ministry

Advice to Women: Marry an Evangelist
Has scriptural instruction become merely optional in our marriages?
The Case for Big Change at Calvary Chapel
Being ‘culturally conservative’ hurts movement’s relevance, says Chuck Smith’s successor, Brian Brodersen.
Ukraine Names Baptist Pastor as Acting President
After 88 die in protests, Ukrainian evangelicals call nation "to learn to love yesterday's enemies."
The Inconceivable Start of African-American Christianity
Why slaves adopted their oppressor's religion—and transformed it.
Information and Formation
We need more than data to understand the Bible.
The Accidental Complementarian
How I came to embrace this misunderstood label.
How to Get the DNA of Jesus
Gordon T. Smith describes how fallen sinners are made holy.
A Fragile Faith of Devotion and Cynicism
Addie Zierman was a high-school prayer warrior who drifted away from the church. Her memoir describes an uncertain return.
Redeeming the 'Do What You Love' Mantra
The good news for Christians: When work is worship, we get to love it all.
Why We Don't Just Need Community, We Need Church
In our own sacred spaces and circles of friends, we can’t recreate the body of Christ.
Why Person-First Language Matters
Just because you know my daughter has Down syndrome doesn’t mean you know her.
Don't Be Afraid to Ask
Sometimes, women need to set aside false selflessness.
The Poor Shall Inherit the Boards
Calling for more economic diversity in church leadership.
If a Brand-New Christian Women's Conference Goes Viral, Then What?
The story behind the success of the IF: Gathering.
In Defense of the Christian Private School Bubble
Giving parents grace in a complex educational landscape.
How White Missionaries Helped Birth Modern-Day India
An Indian missionary tells fellow Christians to stop complaining and follow their forefathers' example.
Toxic Leaders in Our Ranks
New Army research could inform how the church fosters healthier, godlier leadership.
Birthmothers, the Unsung Heroes of the Adoption Movement
A new ministry is trying to change bad stereotypes.
How I Beat Back the Darkness after Rape
I kept choosing life after being violated by my pastor.
Fraudbuster Barry Minkow Convicted of Cheating His Own Church Out of $3 Million
Already in prison, former conman turned watchdog for Christian ministries could now serve an extended sentence.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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