Church Life+Ministry

Remembering George Beverly Shea
Singer's most lasting achievement was introducing "How Great Thou Art" to America.
Pastors Push Back Against 'Annual Registration Fee'
One Illinois city says it's charging churches a fee, but church leaders call it an unfair 'tax.'
God Wants You to Graduate
San Antonio churches are learning that finishing high school equips their youth for greater service.
You Talk Like a Girl
How vocal fry affects women in the church.
Sex Ed and the City
New York's text campaign doesn't connect with teens.
Thriving Denomination Somewhat Sad and Embarrassed To Celebrate 150 Years
(Updated) Seventh-day Adventists, now 17 million strong, 'inventive and prosperous' while still waiting for Second Coming.
Unearthing Gifts Once Abandoned for Motherhood
Why Rebekah Lyons wants you to find your calling.
The Sorry State of the Apology
Scriptural responses to society's shallow regret.
Christians Can't Ignore the Uncomfortable Reality of Mental Illness
Our shallow responses send the message that our faith has no answer for this kind of suffering.
When Suicide Strikes in the Body of Christ
Neither life nor death, not even suicide, can separate us from the love of God.
John McCandlish Phillips: Bright Light for Christ in the Big Apple
The New York Times stylist mixed his love of the Lord with his love of journalism.
The Main Reason for Declining Church Attendance: Children's Sports?
Roundup of new religion research finds link.
Is Concern Over the Rise of the 'Nones' Overblown?
Experts weigh in.
Finding Faith After Spiritual Indoctrination
The story of the girl who wouldn't stop asking questions.
Who Speaks for Complementarian Christians?
For me, it's not the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. It's the local church.
Rick Warren's Final Frontier
Saddleback wants to bring the gospel to the world's 3,400 unengaged people groups. Why it just might work.
The Beauty of Life in Small Places
City-focused evangelicals have much to learn from Rod Dreher's memoir of small-town life.
In Unusual Move, IRS Reverses 'Church Plan' Pension Decision
Good news for 700 former hospital employees months before plan runs out of funds.
Believing in a Better Modesty Movement
How we teach purity through a celebration of beauty and self-respect.
How Breastfeeding Brought Me Closer to God
Nursing became the spiritual discipline that taught me to slow down and rest.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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