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Yes, Mary Knew
How the question behind the recently controversial Christmas song stirs us to worship.
Christianity Today’s 2019 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
When the Word Becomes Words
Ann Voskamp and photographer Esther Havens document the moment a new Bible translation arrives in a rural Kenyan community.
Her Prayers Helped Pull Me Out of Occult-Fueled Madness
While I plunged further into darkness, a middle-school classmate kept lifting me up to God.
Why Evangelicals Voted Trump: Debunking the 81%
Ahead of the midterms, the Billy Graham Center Institute examined the most infamous statistic about faith and the 2016 election.
The Irresistible Connection Between the Old and New Testaments
Why Andy Stanley's “unhitching” robs Christianity of power.
Francis Effect Fades: Pope’s Approval Drops Most Among Evangelicals
The latest abuse investigations have rattled non-Catholics’ perceptions more than Catholics themselves, according to survey data.
She Shaped Me: 10 Exemplars of Faith
Christian leaders reflect on the women from history who’ve influenced them.
God of the Second Shift
The theology of work conversation is thriving. Why are most workers missing from it?
Why Does the Red Planet Call to Us?
What space exploration tells us about human curiosity, from Eden to Mars.
God Shook My World at an EDM Concert
I was rolling on Ecstasy when the scales suddenly fell from my eyes.
When God Makes Sunbeams Collide with Waterfall Spray
Rainbows signify something more than a post-Flood peace offering.
What Trees Teach Us about Life, Death, and Resurrection
Other than God and people, they’re the most mentioned living thing in the Bible.
David Foster Wallace Broke My Heart
Ten years after his suicide, I marvel at his genius but mourn the crushing burdens he carried.
Prayer from a Latina Seminarian
From matriculation to liberation—a great exodus
Let’s Talk About the Decline of Conversation in the Church
The modern world has crippled our capacity for speaking with one another. How can we restore this dying art?
The State of the Puerto Rican Church, One Year After Maria
The hurricane that destroyed the island has completely shaken its approach to ministry.
Fixing Our Privacy Settings
Why Christians should worry less about protecting their information and think more about giving it away.
How US Law Defines Privacy
Legal definitions of privacy focus on these three key areas of protection.
Jackie Hill Perry: I Loved My Girlfriend—but God Loved Me More
How an epiphany about the wages of my sin opened the door for his cleansing light.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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