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Are 22% of Pastors Really Undecided Voters?
Why nearly 1 of 4 say they don't know how they'll vote when only 4% of Americans overall say so.
Why Pro-Life Leaders Aren't Worried About Romney
His muted opposition to abortion is necessary pragmatism, they say.
After Romney Meeting, Billy Graham Site Scrubs Mormon 'Cult' Reference
BGEA says it wants to stay out of politicized theological debate.
Religious Groups' Efforts to Fight Sex Trafficking Draws Presidential Attention
Obama says human trafficking will become a major focus of his Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
Obama at the U.N.: A New Religion Doctrine
"Given the power of faith in our lives ... the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression; it is more speech," President says.
'Jesus Said to Them, "My Wife..."'
Manuscript fragment apparently from the 300s suggests debate over whether Jesus was married.
Mars Hill Bible Church Names Rob Bell's Successor: Kent Dobson
Kent Dobson is the son of Ed Dobson, pastor emeritus at Calvary Church in Grand Rapids.
Professor Fired from Atlanta Seminary Over Evangelical Beliefs?
An expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls says he was fired after hosting an InterVarsity speaker.
Is Skinny-dipping in the Sea of Galilee Sacrilegious?
A nude congressman reportedly took a dip in Israel's biblical site.
Family Research Council Points to Southern Poverty Law Center in Sparking Shooter’s Reaction
The gunman was carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches when he was arrested.
Can Cities Really Block Chick-fil-A?
Some attorneys say no as Billy Graham, Mike Huckabee, and others voiced support for the fast-food chain.
Bible Museum Planned for Washington, D.C.
The museum, which will charge admission, is expected to open within the next four years.
Museum of Biblical Art Raises its Profile Amid Array of Challenges
Founding director is leaving, half its funding is set to end, and rumors are swirling about its lease.
Miss America Has a Faith-based Platform for Kids of Prisoners
Laura Keppeler makes glamorous appearances for a most unglamorous cause.
Billionaire Names Two Finalists for Free Mass. Campus
C.S. Lewis College plans for former Moody campus died earlier this year, so the Green family will give the site away.
Supreme Court Decision on Religion Upends Campus Religious Groups
 Nearly two years after the Christian Legal Society v. Martinez ruling, the case is causing strife for religious groups across U.S. college campuses.
Why Ash Wednesday Belongs out of the Church and out on the Streets
We suspect that penitence is usually done best when one joins in a community.
Who Wants a Free Christian Campus?
C.S. Lewis College plans for former Moody campus in Mass. die. Now Green family is giving the site away.
Katrina Volunteers Continue, Even When it Costs Them
Volunteers remain willing to donate time and labor, even if it means that they have to pay.
Deadly Afghan Riots Blamed on Qur'an Burning at Fla. Church
Terry Jones says he's not responsible.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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