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Hold Your Clapbacks
C.S. Lewis recommended discernment over diatribes in exactly the moments we’re most eager to indulge in critique.
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Our message cannot be market tested or manufactured.
Criticizing Critical Race Theory—and Its Critics
A new book seems oddly outraged that CRT skeptics take its arguments seriously.
In a Divided World, Practice Patient Persuasion
A law professor shares lessons on respectful disagreement in the classroom, the church, and the wider culture.
Died: Beverly LaHaye, Pastor’s Wife Who Led Religious Right
The founder of Concerned Women for America was credited by President Ronald Reagan with “changing the face of American politics.”
Your Neighbors (Probably) Don’t Hate You
They might not even know you’re there. When paranoia eclipses our witness, here’s what to remember.
Make Nepal Hindu Again: Christians Concerned by Rising Religious Nationalism
Hindutva ideology is crossing the border from India and making ministry more challenging for churches in the former Hindu kingdom.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 101|47min
Nancy French on Love, Trauma, and Partisan Politics
The author and journalist reflects on her own life and the American landscape.
The Regulation Suffocating Christian Ministries in India
Designed to monitor foreign funding, more recently FCRA has crippled numerous organizations. Is it intentional?
A Theologian’s Vision of ‘Peasant’ Politics Is Surprisingly Lordly in Scope
Ephraim Radner’s “narrow” concern for protecting the mundane goods of earthly life isn’t so narrow after all.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 99|42min
’90s CCM, Slogans, and Joy: What We’re Reading
Russell and producer Ashley Hales talk books.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 98|51min
Marvin Olasky on a Better Moral Vision
Faithful living in politics, publishing, and personal pursuits.
White Evangelicals Want Christian Influence, Not a ‘Christian Nation’
A new study finds white evangelicals are most eager to see their faith reflected more in the government, but very few say they support Christian nationalism.
How (Not) to Talk About ‘Christian Nationalism’
The phrase is increasingly useless—unfairly applied to ordinary Christians yet too weak to sufficiently condemn “another gospel” in our midst.
Grupo de evangélicos brasileiros traz sua cartilha política para Portugal
Imigrantes da América do Sul são uma força crescente nas igrejas do outro lado do Atlântico. Mas a iniciativa de parte deles na próxima eleição é vista com reservas.
Sentir-se politicamente sem-teto já é um bom começo
Em tempos de partidários fervorosos, devemos continuar peregrinos.
Remembering Canadian Politician Brian Mulroney, Who Opened Doors for Evangelicals
The late prime minister welcomed our engagement at a crucial time—and changed my mind about public witness.
How Evangelicals Became a Voting Bloc
Evangelical voters’ focus on policy over character came much earlier than you think.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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