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The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 98|51min
Marvin Olasky on a Better Moral Vision
Faithful living in politics, publishing, and personal pursuits.
White Evangelicals Want Christian Influence, Not a ‘Christian Nation’
A new study finds white evangelicals are most eager to see their faith reflected more in the government, but very few say they support Christian nationalism.
How (Not) to Talk About ‘Christian Nationalism’
The phrase is increasingly useless—unfairly applied to ordinary Christians yet too weak to sufficiently condemn “another gospel” in our midst.
Grupo de evangélicos brasileiros traz sua cartilha política para Portugal
Imigrantes da América do Sul são uma força crescente nas igrejas do outro lado do Atlântico. Mas a iniciativa de parte deles na próxima eleição é vista com reservas.
Sentir-se politicamente sem-teto já é um bom começo
Em tempos de partidários fervorosos, devemos continuar peregrinos.
Remembering Canadian Politician Brian Mulroney, Who Opened Doors for Evangelicals
The late prime minister welcomed our engagement at a crucial time—and changed my mind about public witness.
How Evangelicals Became a Voting Bloc
Evangelical voters’ focus on policy over character came much earlier than you think.
Evangelical Trump Supporters and Critics on Repeat for 2024
With Nikki Haley out after Super Tuesday, “Never Trumpers” are once again disappointed with the choices for president.
Your Politics May Be Less Bible-Based than You Think
Preston Sprinkle’s Exiles is a bracing call to return to Scripture, but some of his specific political applications are dubious.
Brazilian Evangelicals Bring Their Political Playbook to Portugal
Immigrants from South America are a growing force in churches on the other side of the Atlantic. But their electoral initiative is viewed with reservations.
D’une même pensée, mais pas la mienne
Qui se ressemble s’assemble. En tant que chrétiens, nous devrions nous assurer que c’est autour de Christ.
American Democracy Is in Trouble. No, Not Like That.
Ill-defined talk about Christian nationalism misses a more serious threat: Christian leaders neglecting the real concerns of the laity.
Le sans-abrisme politique pourrait nous faire du bien.
Dans ce monde partisan, nous devons rester des pèlerins.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 94|30min
Bonus Episode: Should You Watch ‘The Chosen’?
Peter Wehner returns to discuss depictions of Jesus and political division.
​​Trump on Track to Sweep South Carolina
Despite some tension within churches over the candidates, evangelicals mostly side with the former president’s track record over their former governor Nikki Haley.
Like-Minded, Not Like Me
Birds of a feather might flock together, but Christians must flock to Christ.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 93|47min
Michael Wear’s Solution to Political Captivity
The author and nonprofit founder has hope for a better way.

Top Story June 18, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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