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Loving Your Prodigal
What can parents do when a child turns her back on family and faith?
Messy Means of Deliverance
Broken shines light on addictions, recovery, and (maybe) the church.
Urgent Care: Substance Abuse
Equip your leaders to reach out to men and women suffering from addictions.
The Benefits of Brokenness
Why I sometimes wish I was an alcoholic.
Gambling Opponents Say Moral Argument No Longer a Trump
As casinos and lotteries spread, two-thirds of Americans join in.
Porn's Stranglehold
'These Guys Are Really Screwed Up'
And the Samson Society is sort of proud of it.
Help for the Sexually Desperate
More and more, Christian men are admitting they've been caught in a vicious cycle.
Missions and Masturbation
John Piper says we shouldn't let guilt over sexual sin derail our ministry.
Sexual Training in Righteousness
One pastor’s ministry of sexual discipleship for men
Urgent Care: Pornography & Sexual Addiction
Use these articles to recognize the emotional wounds that make someone especially vulnerable to sexual sin. Study how to reclaim sex for its intended purpose. Consider a special ministry to the spouse of someone trapped in pornography and sexual addiction. Finally, address sexual addiction through small groups and from your church's pulpit.
The Haggard Truth
High Stakes
With internet wagers unregulated, gambling is on the rise and closer to home. How will we help the hooked and persuade the unconvinced?
Does Ministry Fuel Addictive Behavior?
Certain approaches to ministry lead to self-destruction.
Behind Closed Doors: Sally Morgenthaler's Story
No one knew what was happening at the parsonage.
Transformed by a Left Hook
For one Anglican priest, boxing is a means of grace.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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