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AI Preachers and Teachers? No Thanks, Say Most Americans.
American Bible Society study finds majority don’t trust technology with spiritual matters.
Digital Lectors for a Postliterate Age
Postliterate people still need God’s Word, and online Bible ventures have found eager listeners.
La Bible a une histoire complexe, mais celle-ci peut renforcer notre foi.
Dans les faits, les détails historiques sont encore plus confus que ne le décrit un récent ouvrage.
La alfabetización bíblica en una era posterior a la alfabetización
Siempre debemos ser personas de la Palabra, pero necesitamos una nueva comprensión de lo que significa tener una relación viva con las Escrituras.
Cómo leer el Antiguo Testamento a través de los ojos del antiguo Egipto
Aprender sobre la tierra del Faraón nos ayuda a comprender al pueblo de Israel en su contexto.
Okuryazarlık Sonrası Bir Çağda Kutsal Kitap Okuryazarlığı
Her zaman Söz'ün insanları olmalıyız, ancak Kutsal Yazılarla derin bir ilişki kurmayı yeniden tahayyül etmemiz gerekecek.
If You’re a Christian, You Should Probably Thank Your Mom
A majority of American Protestants were raised by devout mothers, a study finds.
Biblical Literacy in a Postliterate Age
We must always be people of the Word, but we’ll have to reimagine deep engagement with Scripture.
La fin du monde est bien là (mais pas comme certains le pensent).
Notre quête de signes apocalyptiques corrompt notre lecture de l’Apocalypse.
It’s the End of the World (But Not as We Know It)
The total eclipse is the latest of many apocalyptic expectations corrupting our view of Revelation.
The Bible’s Development Is a Messy Story, but It Can Bolster Our Faith
If anything, the historical details are even messier than Susan Lim’s new account allows.
Leyendo la Biblia entre mujeres
Caricaturizar a Rajab y otros personajes femeninos de las Escrituras a menudo deja de lado su contribución.
Estudiar las Escrituras conlleva riesgos. Todos ellos valen la pena
Como profesor de Biblia en una institución evangélica, siento la tensión de enseñar verdades que podrían ofender.
American Bible Society Will Close Its $60 Million Museum
The Bible museum on Independence Mall in Philadelphia was open less than three years and had attracted fewer visitors than projected.
Reading the Bible With Women
The caricature of Rahab and other female characters in Scripture often sidelines their contribution.
New Zealand Christian Bookshop Closures a Sign of the Times
Nearly half of Manna Christian bookstores are shutting down, leaving some without a Christian bookstore in their town and highlighting concerns of misinformation.
Confusion, changements de cap, licenciements : que se passe-t-il à l’American Bible Society ?
L’organisation historique et généreusement dotée a connu deux années de turbulences : cinq directeurs généraux, des problèmes d’argent et un ralentissement de son action internationale. Elle est à la recherche d’un nouveau départ.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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