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China Arrests Dozens of Prominent Christians
At least 50 detained in fresh crackdown on house churches, reportedly promoted by new video and book releases.
The Red Glowing Cross
A veteran journalist makes vivid the hidden and expanding world of Chinese Christianity
China's Christian Syndrome
David Aikman, author of Jesus in Beijing, says in 20 years Christians could have a major impact on China, and that could change the world.
Crushing House Churches
Chinese intelligence and security forces attack anew.
About-Face on Charities
Communist leaders invite even Christians to help the poor
'Dangerous' Chinese Bill Is Thwarted
Article 23 would have automatically banned Hong Kong groups now outlawed on the mainland
Breakthrough Dancing
A look at one of the most creative youth ministries in Hong Kong—if not the world
Hit by the SARS Tornado
Breakthrough reacted quickly when the disease hit Hong Kong.
Under suspicion
Hong Kong's Christians fear antisedition measures will curb religious liberty
Chinese Puzzle
Things are changing for China's church
Working With the Communists
Some evangelicals minister happily within China's state-supervised Three Self church
Did Apostles Go to China?
Evidence suggests Christianity reached China in the first century
'New' China: Same Old Tricks
"Top communists, despite their denials, endorse arrest and torture of Chinese Christians by the thousands."
What China's Secret Documents Reveal
The New York archive of religious persecution in China contains numerous government documents that show how the government controls religion.
China Persecution Dossier: Zhang Wu-Ji
Tortured to the point of death
China Persecution Dossier: Shi Yun-Chao
Beaten for Hosting Bible Studies.
China Persecution Dossier: Gu Xiangmei
Surviving on tiger's diarrhea.
The Unlikely Activist
How a bitter atheist helped besieged Christians—and became a believer.
Church Leader Gets Reprieve
China's case against Gong Shengliang now on hold
In Perspective: What is the Falun Gong?
And why does the Chinese government want to destroy it?

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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