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Seven Years in the Making, Draft ELCA Statement on Sexuality Punts
"This church does not have consensus," committee says.
A Kinder, Gentler Shari'ah?
Muslim states continue pressuring Christians.
$300K Settlement
Mars Hill Graduate School sued for sexual discrimination.
Congress Again Considers Workplace Religious Freedom Act
More than a decade after its introduction, bill still has wide bipartisan support—and corporate criticism.
Disenfranchised in Pakistan
A guide to Christians' concerns about the February 18 parliamentary elections.
The Transgender Moment
Evangelicals hope to respond with both moral authority and biblical compassion to gender identity disorder.
Church v. Church
Korean American congregation alleges racial discrimination in church property sale.
Caste Down
Commission's decision imperils benefits for Christian Dalits.
ID Tagged
Faculty member at Iowa State University denied tenure for supporting intelligent design.
India’s Burning Issue
Conversions in Orissa—and the violent reaction against them—highlight tension in India's not-so-dead caste system.
Values Clash
Calvin College's denominational requirements make diversity a challenge.
Hate Crimes Bill Dropped
Some religious conservatives had complained it threatened religious liberty and equality.
Burma's Christians
The country's displaced minorities maintain their distinctive faith.
Q&A: Karekin II
The leader of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Karekin II visited the U.S. in October to support a resolution condemning Turkey's 1915-1917 Armenian genocide.
More Free, At Least
Racial Reconciliation is making some unexpected demands on me.
Tortured to Death in Eritrea
Fourth Protestant in a year killed by government forces.
Pastor Charged with Criminal Discrimination
Finland's courts step in after visiting pastor refuses to lead service with a woman.
No Regrets
Christian student sues over commencement speech censure.
No Mercy for Grace Churches
Central Asian republic increasingly views evangelicals as traitors.
Pius and Impious
Mugabe infiltrates churches, intimidates leaders.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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