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코로나19 이후 소울메이트를 결혼 상대로 찾지 않는다
코로나 바이러스 이후의 미국을 위한 희망 : 더 많은 부부가 가족을 우선시할 것입니다.
COVID-19疫情终结了“心灵伴侣” 的婚姻模式,这是个好消息。
COVID-19 Is Killing the Soulmate Model of Marriage. Good.
The silver lining for a post-coronavirus America: More married couples will be family-first.
Despite Stigma, More Divorced Evangelicals Are Going to Church
Their attendance outpaces other traditions, but still lags far behind married evangelicals.
Quick To ListenEpisode 189|46min
Wayne Grudem Tells Us Why He Changed His Divorce Position
What the complementarian theologian learned after an in-depth study of this New Testament verse.
Wayne Grudem Changes Mind About Divorce in Cases of Abuse
Leading complementarian theologian says he no longer believes the Bible offers only two justifiable reasons for ending a marriage.
Why the Church Needs Single Parents, and Single Parents Need the Church
Families with one parent are part of God’s family. But how do we minister to their complex needs?
How to Stay Married When You’re Stuck Between Needy Teens and Aging Parents
When my father fell ill, these three tools helped sustain my faith—and my marriage.
How to Help a Friend Through a Dying Marriage
Christians should be ready to care for those in the aftermath of divorce without making their pain worse.
How Southern Baptist Leaders Aided My Escape from Abuse
Christian men helped me end a violent marriage. Their voices matter now more than ever.
God Hates Abuse
There’s more to the scriptural picture behind “I hate divorce.”
Southern Baptist Women Launch Petition Against Paige Patterson
Controversy over past remarks leads Southwestern Seminary to announce special board meeting.
4 Myths about Responding to Spousal Abuse
Despite our good intentions, these misconceptions can turn a bad situation worse.
Divorce After Abuse: How Paige Patterson’s Counsel Compares to Other Pastors
After audio of old comments circulates on social media, Southern Baptist leader clarifies his pastoral approach to domestic violence.
We Lost Our Baby, but We Didn't Want to Lose Our Marriage
Men and women tend to grieve differently; understanding those differences helped us make it through.
Kay Warren: ‘We Were in Marital Hell’
Through God’s work in our lives, we've beaten the odds that divorce would be the outcome of our ill-advised union.
The CallingEpisode 46|1 hr 34min
Barnabas Piper Isn't Hiding from His Divorce
The writer, speaker, podcaster, and pastor’s kid opens up about the burdens of watching a marriage die.
Adam and Eve Can't Save Your Marriage
What Bruce Feiler's reading of 'the first love story' leaves out.
The CallingEpisode 24|40min
When Charles Stanley’s Marriage Ended, Prayer Was His Lifeline
Even after 40 years of ministry, the Southern Baptist luminary still starts and ends every day on his knees.
Too Many Transitions Can Traumatize Our Kids
I know from experience what happens when children face moving, divorce, or other stressful life change—and how we can help them.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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