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My Top 5 Books On Heaven
Picks from Paul Enns, author of 'Heaven Revealed'
Picturing Paradise: A Review of 'Heaven in the American Imagination'
How conditions on earth shape our views of the afterlife.
Geek Theologian
Wired magazine founder Kevin Kelly talks to CT about the Amish, heaven, and why he doesn't own a smart phone.
Q&A: Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell
Why 'Erasing Hell' was his most difficult book, how 'Love Wins' prompted repentance, and whether 'Believe in Jesus or you'll go to hell' is good news.
Ur Video: Francis Chan on Hell
Francis Chan addresses the controversy started by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
Working on Eternity
Ben Witherington sets earthly labor in kingdom context. A review of 'Work: A Kingdom Perspective on Labor.'
What Faith Is: Accepting Conditions
Eternity is inevitable, one way or another. We may want to get used to it.
Carolyn Arends Contemplates Her Own Death, and Yours
Going down singing: Why we should remember that we will die.
Rob Bell's Bridge Too Far
The controversial pastor raises crucial questions, but offers answers that may sabotage his goals.
The Trajectory of Worship
What's really happening when we praise God in song?
Heaven, Hell, and Rob Bell: Putting the Pastor in Context
He's not the first to try to resolve old biblical tensions in new ways.
Ur Video: Who Gets Into Heaven?
What does "No one comes to the Father except through me" really mean?
Happiness Now!
We can grab hold of joy in this life, not just in heaven, says theologian Ellen Charry. A review of 'God and the Art of Happiness.'
Giant Joy
What we want is not joy. What we want is 'unforced' joy.
Always Dying, Always Reborn
Exploring the new horizons—and limits—of our perpetual chase for immortality.
Dwelling in Heaven's Suburbs
Creating a culture of resurrection is key to full-orbed ministry.
Love Where You Live
Urban, suburban, and rural churches respond to new challenges in a less mobile era.
Ur Video: Greg Boyd on Hell
Can we know who is, and who is not, going to hell?
Ur Video: Erwin McManus on Hell
Why would a loving God create hell?

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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