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Our Lord's Virgin Birth
Why it matters that "a real son of a real mother" did not have a human father.
The Invasion of God
The so-called Christmas wars are much larger than we imagine.
King Jesus the Disguised
There's a reason it's not easy to spot him.
What Is This Word?
The incomprehensible, intimate Christmas story.
Yes to Shame and Glory
Mary is a model of openness to the power of God.
Bethlehem's Bioethics
Christmas in the early 21st century.
Truth, Christmas, and the Eucharist
Why I didn't like the hymns and praise songs we were singing—and why I was missing the point.
The Virgin Birth? Come on!
Millard Fuller steps down as Habitat CEO after sexual harassment allegation, worries the movement will lose focus. Also, an adult stem-cell media conspiracy?
Preaching the Christmas Gospel
More than a semi-annual crack at irregular churchgoers, the Christmas sermon has traditionally invited us to worship and wonder.
The Nativity of Christ
A Christmas sermon preached by Jerome.
The Real Twelve Days of Christmas
Celebrating Christ's birth with saints of the faith during the actual Christmas season.
When Backward Is Forward
Christmas may be the best argument against genetic enhancement.
Word Become Flesh
Quotations to Stir Heart and Mind
Mary: From the Editor
Mary and the Flabbergasting Fact
Hail Mary
Her moment of obedience triggered two millennia of reverence.
Incarnate Forever
What is the scriptural and theological support for the teaching that Jesus, the God-man, remains eternally incarnate?
Islam 101
Basics of a foreign faith
Divided by Christ
Whether Christians under early Muslim rule used polemic or polite dialogue to defend their faith, they hit an impasse at the Incarnation.
The Life & Times of Jesus of Nazareth: A Gallery - Select Circle
What do we know about those closest to Jesus?
Mary rejoicing, Rachel weeping
How shall we reconcile the glorious birth of the Savior with the bloody deaths of the boys of Bethlehem?

Top Story June 3, 2024

Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
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