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India: Hindu Government Moves to Change Christian Divorce
Proposed bill would grant Christian women the right to ask for divorce if their husbands commit adultery.
India: Quake Rocks Hindu Hotbed
Agencies appeal for funds to aid victims
"In Orissa, You Must Ask the Government If You Want to Change Religion"
"Christian church leaders say they're trying to ignore the controversial law, but police aren't doing the same"
New Delhi Conference Condemns 'Immense Suffering' in Caste System
National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights plans to appeal to United Nations.
Christians Call for India's Prime Minister and Government to Resign in Wake of Scandal
Web site releases tapes of party president taking bribes from men posing as arms dealers.
India: Militant Hindus Assault Christians
Persecution of religious minorities stirs Christian outrage against government inaction.
Politician Who Saw God's Hand in Gujarat Quake Forced to Resign
Civil aviation minister had told Christians that quake was God's judgment against persecution of Christians.
India's Quake Survivors Need Counseling
Earthquake survivors are desperate for more than material aid, Indian bishop warns
India's Christians Face Continued Threats
We must preach what we believe in spite of Hindu pressure, says Operation Mobilization India leader.
Churches Have Not Worked to End Dowry Practice
India's women are seen as less valuable than men in a society that supports bride burnings and suicide.
Churches Angry that Indian Census Ignores 14 Million Christian Dalits
Only Hindu, Sikh, and Buddhist members of untouchable caste being counted.
Indian Campaign Against Church Corruption
A new commission is looking to establish financial accountability for Christian leaders
Car Accident Takes Lives of Two Indian Bishops and Their Driver
President of the National Council of Churches in India, moderator of the Church of North India killed instantly.
Churches Hope to Reunite India's Legacy of the Apostle Thomas
St. Thomas Christians similar, despite being Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant.
Christians Hammered by Pre-Christmas Violence
200 Christians driven from a small town in Gujarat, India, and their church converted into a Hindu temple.
India: Justice Delayed for Dalits
Christian untouchable is murdered, but police stall investigation.
U.S. Religious Freedom Commission Criticized
Indian churches reject U.S. inquiry, but Pakistani Christians welcome it.
Study of Indian Clergy Exposes Inequalities in Church Leadership
Many low-caste and rural Indians are Christians, but few have positions of influence within the church.
A Chinese Model for India's Churches?
No thank you, say Indian Christians to Hindu proposal for government church regulation.
Indian Christian Youth Form Protection Group
Non-violent group aims to counter attacks on Christians through peaceful solidarity.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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