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Mary & Her Baby: Luther's View
The Reformer loved to dwell on the nativity. Here are a few of his thoughts.
Recovering a Protestant Mary
A conversation with Timothy George
Man of Contradictions
Martin Luther was a God-obsessed seeker of certainty and assurance.
Turning Point: Luther's Lost Opportunity
At Marburg, the last hope of a united Protestantism ran aground on the Last Supper.
The African Apostles: Did You Know?
The rapidity of Africa's twentieth-century baptism was stunning. There's no better place to see the future of the global church.
Did the Reformers Reject Copernicus?
Some defenders of secular science say they did. What's the real story?
From Crusades to Homeland Defense
Martin Luther responded to Islam with a new military philosophy, fresh focus on the Qur'an, and provocative readings of biblical prophecy.
Popes, Philosophers, and Peeping Thomists
Whenever it seems that Aquinas might recede into dusty memory, a new wave of truth-seekers brings him back.
How Could You Forget…
More notable names from the field's recent past.
Battle For the Past
As traditions clashed during the Reformation, history became hotly disputed territory.
The Reformation Connection
Hus shared ideas with Wyclif and Luther, yet they were not all of one mind.
A History of the Second Coming: Did You Know? - Hall of Infamy
Hall of Antichrists: Nine (of many) who were thought to be forbearers of the End
Reformation Amillennialism: Salvation Now, Salvation Forever
Luther and Calvin challenged the Catholic church on many key teachings—but not on the doctrine of last things.
Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation: Did You Know?
Little-known and remarkable facts about Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation.
Legacy of Liberty
Paul's teachings on grace and freedom have shaken the church in every age.
How We Got Our Bible: Did You Know?
Little-known and remarkable facts about the history of the Bible

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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