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Leveling the Investment Field
Why has it been so hard for organizations to treat Israel like any other state?
War's Cheerleader
The Wall Street Journal
Lebanese Christians Outraged at Hezbollah
Plus: A Christian radio goes to "porn" format, the return of Alvin Jackson, Congo militias agree to disarm for amnesty, Democrats stall parental involvement bill after passage, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Live from Beirut
An Arab-world Christian satellite television station struggles to operate from Lebanon.
'Who Is My Neighbor' in the Lebanon-Israel Conflict?
Further reflections from the academic dean of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Lebanon.
The Silent Human Conscience
What should I tell my daughter when bombs fall and the great nations say nothing?
Prince of Peace's Hometown Bombarded
Missiles' booms sound the alarm to our forsaken responsibility of peace making.
We Risk Not Just Suffering, But Annihilation
An open letter to Dr. Martin Accad.
Another Point of View: Evangelical Blindness on Lebanon
The academic dean of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary is angry at evangelical Christians, Israel, Hezbollah, the U.S., and the international community.
Secrets of the Lebanon-Israel War
Plus: Are conservative Christian schools really worst of all? A church bombing in Malawi, the IRS's new church politics program, and links to more than 280 articles from online sources around the world.
When the Bombs Fell on Beirut
This week's fighting between Israel and Lebanon seems too familiar.
The Middle East's Death Wish—and Ours
We say "everyone wants peace," but we also want to see our enemies destroyed.
Why the Pope Didn't Mention Netanya
Plus: John Roberts's church, British patient loses right-to-food case, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Palestine's Troubling Democracy
Local Christians fret over Hamas's victory.
Q&A: Justus Reid Weiner on Palestinian Christians
If they're not sitting on their suitcases, they've already left.
Love in the Land of Enmity
The local joke is that Gaza is hell. But that doesn't seem to deter ministry there.
Reporting Eye to Eye
The Holy Land has always been treacherous.
Christian Zionists Split Over Gaza Pullout
Some remain politically neutral.
Burning Out the Faithful
Druze attack Christians in 'pogrom.'
'Assault on the Jewish People'
New Presbyterian policy on Israel raises hackles.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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