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Needed: More 'Miracles'
My grandchild barely survived birth. Worldwide, too many newborns do not.
Gregory Thaumaturgus
"The Wonder Worker"
Do Nigerian Miracle Ministries Discredit the Faith?
The spiritual dynamism of West African Christianity is now well known even in the West. Do credulity-stretching, highly publicized miracles discredit what God is doing in that region?
The Vision Thing
Clarity came just as things got blurry.
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
It's a Wonder-Full Life
It takes a special kind of birth to grab the world's attention.
Our Lord's Virgin Birth
Why it matters that "a real son of a real mother" did not have a human father.
My Conversation with God
I had no idea what God would do when I asked him to use me.
When God Doesn't Heal
Why doesn't God cure everyone who prays fervently for healing?
Do Nigerian Miracle Ministries Discredit the Faith?
The spiritual dynamism of West African Christianity is now well known even in the West. Do credulity-stretching, highly publicized miracles discredit what God is doing in that region?
Nigeria Bans TV Miracles, Considers Taxing Churches
Plus: Three more Lutheran congregations appoint homosexual clergy, world's oldest worker retires, and other stories from online sources around the world.
The Un-Apologist
Oblivious to convention, Chesterton launched a bold campaign to point a mad world back to truth.
The Link: Christian History Today
Combining Christian convictions and scholarly conventions, two historians create very different blends.
Great Lessons From Bad History
Hagiography may not be factual biography, but it captures the practices and ideals of pre-modern Christianity perfectly.
When God Came to England
In Bede's view, the history of the English church—like the history of redemption—begins in Genesis and ends in Revelation.
Maggie, the Dragon Slayer?
Sometimes even hagiographers wondered if their stories were too good to be true.
The Wesleys: Did You Know?
Interesting and unusual facts about John and Charles Wesley.
What Would Augustine Say?
The fifth-century theologian answers five crucial twenty-first-century questions.
Exorcizing the Desert
The stories of desert fathers' skirmishes with demons pointed to a larger struggle—and victory.
Antony and the Desert Fathers: Recommended Resources
Antony and the Desert Fathers

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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