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Muslim Riots Move from Anti-Europe to Anti-Christian
Plus: The post-Katrina church, the ultimate church gym, N.C. GOP wants church directories, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Hope for the Living Dead
Without corrective surgery, women with fistula injuries become outcasts.
The Missionary King
How a double-M.D. couple ended up getting the royal treatment in Nigeria.
Q+A: Ben Kwashi
An estimated 53,000 Christians and Muslims in Nigeria's central Plateau state have died since the current round of violence began in Jos on September 7, 2001. Benjamin Kwashi is the Anglican bishop of Jos.
Out of Africa
The leader of nearly 18 million Nigerian Anglicans challenges the West's theology and control.
Healing a Sick Land'
German evangelist bolsters Nigerian reconciliation efforts.
Human Sacrifice Redux
How the church battles deadly prophets in its midst.
Back to the Basics
Christian-Muslim violence requires a 'new' missions strategy: Forgiveness and love.
Mutual Mayhem
A plea for peace and truth in the madness of Nigeria.
Winking at Corruption No More
Christians help lead a worldwide movement opposing graft.
Africa's Anglican Bishops' Conference Begins Tuesday
Homosexuality and women ordination tops agenda.
'African Church Has Come of Age,' Say African Anglican Bishops
It now faces the dual threat of Western heresy and militant Islam.
Eye for an Eye for an Eye
Are Nigeria's deadly religious riots really about religion?
Pastors Killed, Churches Burned
New wave of violence begins.
Nigerian Christians Attack Muslims, Kill Dozens
Plus: Sudan elected to U.N. human-rights commission, Muslims, mosques, and churches in Europe, Christians in India, and more articles from online sources around the world.
Eye-for-Eye Religious Violence Blinds Nigeria
Muslims retaliate against retaliatory attack, leaving many casualties.
Nigerian Christians Say Nearly 600 Killed In This Week's Riots
Plus: All of the week's religion news is coming up.
Weblog Bonus: Fresh Fighting in Nigeria—Death Estimates Now Over 1,000
Plus: Hundreds of stories from online stories around the world.
State of Emergency Declared in Nigeria
Plus: Billy Graham suffers serious pelvic fracture, Hezbollah uses The Passion, Sudan blocks aid, and other stories from online sources around the world.
3,000 Christians Killed in Kano Attacks, Group Says
Plus: Why the success of Christian books is hurting Christian stores; Ugandan Anglican bishop rescued from rebel kidnappers; Tony Campolo joins PETA campaign; and other stories from online sources around the world.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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