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关于基督徒受迫害情况的最新研究表明,四分之三的殉道者在尼日利亚,它首次跻身基督徒受迫害最严重的十个国家的行列。 苏丹终于跌出前十名,印度还名列其中,而莫桑比克和刚果民主共和国则被加到了 Open Doors 的观察名单中。
50 стран, где труднее всего быть христианином в 2021 году
Последние статистические данные о христианских гонениях показывают, что 9 из 10 мучеников находятся в Африке. Нигерия впервые вошла в десятку самых худших преследователей, в то время как Судан, наконец, выходит из группы после реформ. 
Les 50 pays où il est le plus difficile d’être chrétien en 2021
Les dernières statistiques sur la persécution contre les chrétiens établissent que 9 martyrs sur 10 se trouvent en Afrique. Pour la première fois, le Nigéria rejoint la liste des 10 pays les plus persécuteurs, alors que le Soudan sort de la liste après certaines réformes.
2021년 기독교인 박해가 가장 심한 50개국
기독교 박해에 관한 최근 연구에 따르면, 순교자 4명 중 3명이 박해국 10위권 안에 처음으로 진입한 나이지리아에서 순교했다고 한다.
The 50 Countries Where It’s Most Dangerous to Follow Jesus in 2021
Latest report on Christian persecution finds 3 in 4 martyrs are in Nigeria, ranked among 10 worst persecutors for first time.
After 330 Schoolboys Freed from Kidnappers, Advocates Ask About Leah Sharibu
Good news from Katsina prompts questions about Nigerian Christians still held captive by jihadists.
US Adds Nigeria to Top of Religious Persecution List, Removes Sudan and Uzbekistan
(UPDATED) State Department revises its Countries of Particular Concern on religious freedom.
Como ‘Way Maker’ (‘Caminho no Deserto’) liderou as paradas em rádios gospel dos EUA
Sinach, líder de louvor de Nigéria, escreveu a música que se tornou o hino de protesto da pandemia, cantada por Michael W. Smith e Soraya Moraes.
How ‘Way Maker’ Topped the US Worship Charts from Nigeria
Lagos worship leader Sinach penned the pandemic and protest anthem sung by Leeland and Michael W. Smith.
A Nigerian Pastor Reflects on Partnering with Christ in Suffering
Christians can find a strange happiness as we grow in our willingness to face persecution.
Nigeria’s Government Agrees: Islamist Terrorists Target Christians
The goal of Boko Haram and ISWAP is “to divide Christian brother against Muslim brother,” Buhari administration tells CT.
Buhari: Pastor Andimi’s Faith Should Inspire All Nigerians
President of Nigeria eulogizes Brethren leader executed by Boko Haram, and criticizes terrorist efforts to divide Christians and Muslims in Africa’s most populous state.
All Across Nigeria, Christians Marched Sunday to Protest Persecution
(UPDATED) RCCG’s Enoch Adeboye participates, President Buhari disputes Christian Association of Nigeria rallies in 28 states.
Boko Haram Executes Pastor Who Turned Hostage Video into Testimony
(UPDATED) Beheaded Brethren leader taken captive in Nigeria said he was at peace with death because Jesus “is still alive.”
11 Nigerian Christians Executed in ISIS Christmas Video
Martyrdoms by Boko Haram splinter group occur as US finally adds West African nation to religious freedom watch list.
Quick To ListenEpisode 190|45min
Don’t Remember Reinhard Bonnke for His Crowd Sizes
Focusing on the numbers obscures the German evangelist's real legacy in Africa.
Two Nigerian Evangelicals Executed in Boko Haram Video
As ethnic and religious clashes intensify, the terrorists have pledged to kill every Christian they capture.
Olaudah Equiano’s Argument Against Slavery Was His Life Experience
The Igbo writer wrote honestly about the brutality of his experience—and of the Christian faith that sustained him.
My Favorite ‘Quick to Listen’ Episodes of 2018
The hosts of CT's weekly news podcast on the episodes they won't soon forget.
Our November Issue: Listening Carefully
Nigeria’s besieged Christians ask if they are forgotten.

Top Story June 3, 2024

Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
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