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629 Pakistani Girls Trafficked to China as Brides
Poor Christians were a new target of brokers in 2019, AP investigation finds.
US Continues to Condemn China’s ‘War on Faith’
A new State Department report notes some “good news,” like improving conditions in Uzbekistan, though the list of worst religious persecutors remains largely unchanged.
The Global Refugee Crisis Hit a Record High. The US Welcome for the Persecuted Is at a Record Low.
America is on track to admit 82 percent fewer religious minorities from the countries where they face the most danger.
Asia Bibi’s Cell Now Holds Another Christian Woman on Death Row for Blasphemy
Victorious lawyer’s next case, the plight of Shagufta Kausar, shows how Bibi’s long-delayed reunion with family in Canada doesn’t end the widespread problem facing Pakistan’s Christians.
Asia Bibi Finally Leaves Pakistan for Canada
Months after escaping a death sentence, the Pakistani Christian will live with her family in safety again.
Sri Lanka’s Christian Refugees Displaced by Retaliation Threats
Pakistani asylum seekers in Negombo fled terrorist attacks in their home country, only to fear retribution for more deadly violence in their place of refuge.
I Fled My Country, But Not My Marriage
Though extremists separated me from my husband years ago, I know who holds us together.
Asia Bibi Is Finally Free to Leave Pakistan
Supreme Court rejects petition to review acquittal of her blasphemy death sentence.
Should Christians Quote Muhammad?
Asia Bibi’s acquittal may model how to persuade Muslims of religious freedom.
Covenantal Theology: Can Muhammad’s Ancient Promise Inspire Muslim-Christian Peace Today?
To acquit Asia Bibi of blasphemy, Pakistan’s Supreme Court relied on supposed seventh-century treaty by Islam’s prophet.
World Vision Forced Out of Pakistan After 13 Years
The country loses an estimated $130 million in aid by expelling 18 international charities.
Quick To ListenEpisode 141|54min
Not Just Asia Bibi: Pakistan’s Very Vulnerable Christians
Poverty, cultural stigmas, and blasphemy laws make life taxing for religious minorities.
Pakistan Frees Asia Bibi from Blasphemy Death Sentence
Jailed Christian mother acquitted by Supreme Court after eight years. Violent protests erupt in major cities.
Ireland’s Blasphemy Ban Is Gone, But Dozens of Countries Still Enforce Them
Irish Christians hope the change will put pressure on places like Pakistan, where Asia Bibi faces the death penalty for remarks against Muhammad.
Court: Pakistani Christians Must Reveal Religion to Vote or Apply for Jobs
Religious ID on passports has proven useful to asylum seekers. But expansion targeting Ahmadis threatens Christians’ employment prospects.
US Adds Pakistan to List of Religious Freedom Violators in Belated Report
This year’s State Department rankings come six weeks after the new congressional deadline.
Pakistani Christians Bury 11 After ISIS Attacks Methodist Church
Suicide bombers injure 50 at Advent service.
Quick To ListenEpisode 82|48min
Countries That Criminalize Conversion and Evangelism
Making sense of religious freedom around the world after Nepal criminalizes proselytizing.
Love Thy Neighbor: South Asia Christians Advocate for Rohingya Muslims
Believers in Bangladesh and Pakistan aid fellow persecuted minority fleeing Myanmar (Burma).
‘Pakistan’s Mother Teresa’ Honored with Historic Funeral
Medical missionary who helped curb leprosy outbreak is first Christian woman to receive such honor from Muslim government.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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