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A Candid Letter to Senior Pastors
With deep concern Norman Shawchuck asks, Are you a people shrinker?
At The Planning Retreat: Discussing First Things First
Howard Hendricks offers some practical suggestions for evaluating local church ministry.
My Greatest Ministry Mistakes
He watched his dreams crumble at Circle Church. Did that failure invalidate his ministry?
Conflict. Crisis. The corporate church often does not see its own power to make and destroy its servants.
Building Trust Between Pastor and Congregation
What can be done about the fact that in many churches a pastoral crisis occurs about every 18 months?
Building People
Can people who are vastly different really learn to love one another? How can a caring fellowship be built upon such differences?
Caught in the Middle
How can staff members be true to themselves and follow a leader with whom they disagree?
A Psychiatrist Looks at Troubled Pastors
An interview with Dr. Louis McBurney
You're told to be vulnerable--to disclose yourself honestly to those around you. But like most of us you're painfully aware that honest self-disclosure can blow up in your face.
Leadership Forum: Power, Preaching & Priorities
Authority. Power. They're seldom the same. In fact, like an iceberg, 7/8 of the danger and power lies submerged under the organizational chart.
The Ministry’s Gordian Knot
Alexander the Great slashed through his Gordian knot; pastors don't have that option. To lead, the pastor must serv. How does he confront this paradox?
Appreciation for a pastor.
Principles Are the Bottom Line
Warren Wiersbe shares insights that have guided his ministry for over a quarter of a century.
The Local Church Who Works For Whom?
What is the extent of the pastor's authority? Is he accountable to the member-volunteers or are they accountable to him?
How do you make a large church warm and personal? Donald Bubna has ten tips that work for him.
The Pastor & The Board
Discipleship is the mandate of the Great Commission. Where could a pastor more wisely begin to disciple than with his church board?

Top Story June 18, 2024

Sunday Best in India: Christian Women Weigh What to Wear to Church
Sunday Best in India: Christian Women Weigh What to Wear to Church
From embracing Western styles to preserving cultural heritage, how female leaders in six states navigate competing perspectives on appropriate attire.

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