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To Guard Against the Monsters in My Life, I Became a Monster Myself
A lifestyle of violence and addiction nearly destroyed me, but it brought me to the foot of the cross.
Be Still and Come Out of Your Shell
To heal divides, God wants to bring us out from hiding.
Why John MacArthur Is Wrong About MLK
The prominent pastor’s claim that Martin Luther King Jr. was “not a Christian” is not only ahistorical. It misses God’s heart for justice.
Where Ya From?Episode 58|1 hr 5min
‘Becoming Color Courageous’ with Michelle Sanchez
A gifted leader in evangelism and spiritual formation, Michelle Sanchez discovered that matters of racial equity and inclusion are also essential to healthy discipleship.
Where Ya From?Episode 55|1 hr
‘Speaking Up and Seeing the Good’ with Ally Henny
How the pain of bigotry and marginalization turned up the volume on Ally Henny’s ministry of faith and activism.
A última tragédia com negros também é um trauma para todos nós
O sofrimento comunitário deve ser reconhecido. Assim como a palavra de cura que vem de Deus.
The Latest Black Tragedy Is My Trauma Too
Communal suffering has to be reckoned with. And so does God’s healing word.
Des générations après l’esclavage, trouver liberté et restauration en Christ
Dans l’État américain de Géorgie, deux voisines ont été confrontées à une vérité difficile : l’ancêtre de l’une était esclave des ancêtres de l’autre.
Joseph pardonna à ses frères éloignés. Pouvons-nous faire de même ?
Sa réponse à la perfidie de ses frères nous invite à réévaluer les relations analogues dans notre propre vie, et à nous investir dans la réconciliation.
The Lord’s Supper Is a Multiethnic Love Feast
Why our church emphasizes a meal where all are welcome.
Generations After Slavery, Georgia Neighbors Find Freedom and Repair in Christ
In the farming community of Dirt Town Valley, family friends grapple with a difficult truth: One ancestor was enslaved by another.
The Hard Work of Healing
What does it look like to live reconciliation?
요셉은 사이가 나쁜 형제들을 용서했다. 당신도 그렇게 할 수 있는가?
그를 기만했던 형제들을 대하는 요셉의 태도는 우리의 삶에서 비슷한 관계에 대해 생각하게 한다.
José perdoou os irmãos que o traíram. Você conseguiria fazer o mesmo?
A reação de José a seus irmãos traiçoeiros nos convida a reavaliar relacionamentos semelhantes em nossa vida.
Ma dernière cène avec la famille de Dieu
En réponse à notre faiblesse, le Christ nous présente son dernier repas.
Where Ya From?Episode 42|1 hr
Repairing the Sins of the Past with Duke Kwon
How being willing to let go and learn from others allows us to repair broken relationships.
We Lose Culture Wars by Putting Them On Trial
Instead of prosecutors trying to win arguments, we’re supposed to be defending what actually matters.
FebruaryPodcastEpisode 46
The Work of Justice: Exploring Service, Humility, and Economics From a Poetic Christian Perspective
A conversation with poet and pastor Drew Jackson.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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