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Whatever Happened to Communion & Baptism?
Or, why aren’t we doing what Jesus told us to do?
Our Churches Are Either Sacramental or Charismatic
The Early Church didn't make a distinction. So why do we?
When Christian Practices Hurt Other People
Baptism, prayer, and Communion can all go “wayward,” says Lauren Winner. Should we blame the sinful practitioners or the practices themselves?
Seeking the Body and Blood Behind Bars
When I wanted to take Communion in prison, I had to “steal” it.
Give Protestants a Taste of Catholic Communion, German Bishops Tell Vatican
Proposal to let non-Catholic spouses share the Eucharist goes before Rome’s theological watchdog on Thursday.
Baptism Doesn’t Have to Be Divisive
Despite our different methods, we’re all immersed in the same Christ.
The Church's Three-Part Harmony
Why evangelical, sacramental, and Pentecostal Christians belong together in one body.
The (Outrageous, Excessive) Body of Christ
It's everywhere—even in a chance encounter with a crumb of communion bread.
The Sacred Ritual of Coffee Prep
Grind, boil, brew, pour—and praise.
Go Ahead, Evangelicals: Use the P-Word
Only some believers are ordained. But all are priests.
The Mundane and the Almighty
Finding God in speech, a bath, and a meal.
An Anointed Trend? Christian Women and Essential Oils
Faithful users rediscover the ancient practice and the healing within God’s creation.
Table Manners: Why We Take Communion Every Week
It's a meal that often divides us. It needn't be that way.
A Meal with Jesus
Discovering grace, community, and mission around the table
Remember the Red Sea
Why not capitalize on the richness and mystery of our ancient symbols?
Evangelism as Sacrament
Velcroed to a high-felt need: Jerry Root says evangelism is seeing how God is already working in someone's life.
Real Presence
What can happen when a thoroughly secular woman eats a piece of bread. A review of 'Jesus Freak.'
The God Who Became Blood
What my dysfunctional prostate taught me about Jesus.
There's Power in the Blood
On the heels of the Twilight Saga's success, Christian novelists are tapping the riches of vampire mythology.

Top Story May 31, 2024

The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.

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