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The Gospel and All That Jazz
A theologian (and amateur musician) explores the connection between them.
Why White Evangelicals Should Claim John Brown
We’ve forgotten what Charles Spurgeon knew: He was radical because of the Bible and his soul is marching on.
For Christians, Juneteenth Is a Time of Jubilee
Observing Juneteenth as a national holiday affirms what we believe about our faith and our freedoms.
Where Ya From?Episode 28
Juneteenth with Historian Carey Latimore
Exploring the legacy of Juneteenth and the hope it still inspires today.
Should We Judge Thomas Jefferson by His Ideals or His Actions?
A new biography maps out the moral tensions that tormented his mind and tainted his legacy.
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
There are no easy answers to the spiritual’s convicting questions.
Teach Black History Better by Learning from Jesus
How Christian teachers can tell the story of Black history in culturally relevant ways.
Denmark Vesey’s Challenge to a Biblically Literate Nation
The architect of a foiled 19th-century slave revolt justified violence in terms he hoped Americans would understand.
The Early Christian Case for Reparations
Some ancient thinkers argued from Scripture that descendants of slaves deserve recompense.
Another Big Book on Paul? Bring It On!
Some thoughts from a fellow Pauline scholar on Douglas Moo’s eagerly awaited, comprehensive study of the apostle’s letters.
Realmente amamos a lei de Deus?
O Antigo Testamento non contradí a ética do Novo Testamento. Acláraa. 
内战使原则与社区对立, 一个基督教的异象将它们再次联系在一起。
內戰使原則與社區對立, 一個基督教的異象將它們再次聯繫在一起。
Good Riddance to the Robert E. Lee Statue
The Civil War pitted principles against community. A Christian vision ties them together again.
The Missing Word in Our Reckonings on Race
Two pastors advocate reparations for victims of white supremacy.
Dimerdekakan oleh Salib, Mengapa Kita Masih Hidup dalam Perbudakan?
Sang Musuh ingin kita meragukan kuasa anugerah Tuhan dan jaminan pengampunan-Nya.
《舊約》與《新約》中的倫理教導並不矛盾。 它澄清了它們。
《旧约》与《新约》中的伦理教导并不矛盾。 它澄清了它们。
Realment estimem la llei divina?
L’Antic Testament no contradiu l’ètica del Nou Testament. La clarifica.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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