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Christian Wiman on Writing Against Despair
In “Zero at the Bone,” the poet discusses love, lament, and living toward a ‘happy ending.’
Death Is For Real
Amid a flurry of bestsellers promising firsthand proof of Heaven's existence, Ed Dobson takes a brutally honest look at the pain of terminal illness and the difficulties of dying well.
Pat Robertson Repudiates the Gospel
The broadcaster's advice to divorce an Alzheimer's patient is more than an embarrassment.
Dying Decisions: Should Relatives Intervene?
Christian thinkers weigh in on whether family or friends should intervene if a terminally ill Christian decides against life-extending treatment.
Should Christians Smoke Medical Marijuana?
Observers weigh in on pot morality.
Q & A: Herman Cain on Faith, Calling, and Presidential Aspirations
CT talks with the pizza magnate about his potential candidacy, cancer, and views of Islam.
No Child Left to Die
Half of all babies born with HIV die by age 2. Could we stop that by 2015?
Pass the Casserole
Losing control over your eating—like, when you can’t cook after surgery for cancer—has a way of turning anxiety into gratitude.
Joni Eareckson Tada on Something Greater than Healing
Now facing breast cancer and chronic pain, the author, speaker, and advocate talks about the blessings of suffering.
A Gifting Child
Emily Colson says 'no one remains neutral' about her autistic son.
Pastor With No Tongue Still Has a Lot to Say
The Lutheran pastor believes that he's been able to reach more people than if he had not had cancer.
Allow for Space in the Music
Acknowledging the mystery of pain.
The Medical Hazards of Spiritual Care
New studies are finding that terminal cancer patients do better when doctors and medical staff are spiritually supportive.
A Chronicle of Hopeful Dying
Death is not the enemy, says cancer-stricken Walt Wangerin, but a chance for Jesus to shine.
When the Pastor Suffers
Matt Chandler comforts an anxious church following his Thanksgiving seizure.
My Top 5 Books on Life Ethics
Three Gifts for Hard Times
What I've learned as life has taken a turn for what most people think is the worst.
Does Faith Prolong Suffering for Cancer Patients?
A new study suggests that cancer patients who are religious are more likely to seek measures that attempt to prolong life.
Quieter Killings
Physician-assisted suicide is spreading beyond Oregon's borders.
Cancer's Unexpected Blessings
When you enter the Valley of the Shadow of Death, things change.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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