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Identity 'Crisis'
Nazarenes rethink entire sanctification.
Holiness Manifesto
Leaders of historic Wesleyan Holiness denominations restate their doctrine for the 21st century.
Holiness Without the Legalism
Ten denominations cooperate to revive their historic emphasis.
The Problem with Evangelical Theologies
Ben Witherington III thinks there is something fundamentally weak about each branch of the movement.
Phoebe Palmer: Did You Know?
Interesting facts about the American Holiness revival
Wesley's word to a condemned malefactor.
The Matchmakers
When the Wesley brothers agreed to help each other find wives, they never guessed their deal would lead to disaster.
The Wesleys: Did You Know?
Interesting and unusual facts about John and Charles Wesley.
A Tale of Two Brothers
Like many siblings, John and Charles Wesley often clashed— and the Methodist movement profited.
Wesleys in America: What Went Wrong?
What went wrong?
Attack of the Bible-Moths
From the way Oxford scorned the Holy Club, you would think the Wesleys had created a monster.
The Wesleys: Christian History Timeline
The Christian History Timeline
Be Ye Perfect?
The evolution of John Wesley's most contentious doctrine.
O Come and Dwell in Me
John and Charles disagreed on the measure of holiness a Christian might expect on earth, but both longed for it. From Christian Perfection (Sermon 40)
The Wesleys: A Gallery - The Leadership Team
These early converts supported, strengthened, and spread the Methodist movement—whether John Wesley agreed with them or not.
Like Mother, Like Son
John Wesley's parents, especially his mother, profoundly influenced his character and career.
Legacy of Liberty
Paul's teachings on grace and freedom have shaken the church in every age.
George Whitefield: A Gallery of Leaders of the Awakening Army
Whitefield's co-workers in the great eighteenth-century revival.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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