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Entre guerre et rumeurs de guerre, les pasteurs ukrainiens prêchent et se préparent
Dimanche dernier, les sermons portaient sur la paix, mais aussi sur les conséquences d’une éventuelle invasion russe. Depuis, Poutine a reconnu l’indépendance de Donetsk et de Louhansk.
Amid War and Rumors of War, Ukraine Pastors Preach and Prepare
(UPDATED) Sunday sermons from Baptists and Pentecostals focus on peacemaking but also aftermath of any Russian invasion, as Putin on Monday recognizes independence of Donetsk and Luhansk.
전쟁과 전쟁의 소문 와중에, 우크라이나 목회자들의 설교와 대비
러시아 푸틴 대통령이 도네츠크와 루한스크의 독립을 공인하며 우크라이나를 침공한 이후 사태와 화평케 함에 초점을 둔 침례교회와 오순절교회의 주일 설교
Bible Gateway Removes The Passion Translation
Popular among charismatics, the “heart-level” Bible version was criticized as a paraphrase posing as translation.
Pentecostal Nurse Who Refused to Wear Scrub Pants Wins $75K Settlement
After being sued for religious discrimination, the health care provider who rescinded her job offer agreed to provide back pay and damages.
Died: George O. Wood, Who Led the Assemblies of God into Growth
As general superintendent, he brought women and minorities into leadership, added “compassion” to the denomination’s constitution, and set ambitious goals for church planting.
这并不是约翰尼·贝瑞(Johnny Berry)的计划,但他相信那更大的一位。
這並不是約翰尼·貝瑞(Johnny Berry)的計劃,但他相信那更大的一位。
My Life in Seattle’s Street Gangs Was a Dead-End Street
How God used a stiff prison sentence and a church invitation to rescue me from a downward spiral of guns, drugs, and despair.
Evangelism Not a Priority in Canadian Churches
Even during crisis of COVID-19, few are finding ways to share their faith, study finds. 
Quick To ListenEpisode 282|54min
Did We Get Tammy Faye Wrong?
The late televangelist gets a Hollywood reassessment.
NASA Specialist Finds His Calling in Space Experiments
This wasn’t Johnny Berry’s plan. But he trusts a larger one.
«¿Cómo pudieron equivocarse todos los profetas con respecto a Trump?»
Tras las elecciones de 2020, un remanente de líderes carismáticos está intentando revivir el movimiento desde dentro.
Died: David Yonggi Cho, Founder of the World’s Largest Megachurch
The Korean Pentecostal promoted cell groups and gifts of the Holy Spirit for church growth.
Trump’s Faith Advisers Reconvene in New Initiative
Paula White leads the 70-member group, which includes evangelical leaders who backed the former president.
TikTok in Tongues? Charismatics Disagree.
Spirit-filled content creators test theological limits on social media.
Святой Дух не освобождает нас от ответственности, Он освобождает нас, чтобы мы имели ответственность
Духовность, обретенная в Пятидесятницу, призывает христиан в публичные сферы, чтобы мы посвятили свою жизнь заботе о других людях
Died: Thelma Battle Buckner, COGIC Minister and Mother of the Minnesota Gospel Twins
She led a congregation in a denomination that doesn’t believe in women in leadership, fostered more than 1,000 children, and sang the music that God taught her to play.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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