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From Faith to Flashcards
The church’s emphasis on educational equality is a matter of biblical justice.
Going to College with Abuelita
Schools are learning to think in terms of families, not only individual students.
Learning with la Familia
How one professor taking roll altered my educational career
Mentors Make the Difference
College is hard, but you don’t have to navigate it alone.
‘Poised to Do New Things’
From Abilene to Asbury, Christian schools are reaching Latino students and their families
The Keys to Preparing Students for College
According to Hispanic leader Gus Reyes, it begins in preschool.
The Many Flavors of Latino Protestantism
Three sociologists look at the impact of this growing body of believers on the American church.
20 Cuban Pastors and Spouses Killed in Plane Crash
Nazarene officials say ‘God is still in control’ after regional leaders die on the way home from Havana retreat.
Families Who Cross the Border Together Won’t Stay Together
(Update) Top evangelical leaders ask the president to “resolve this situation of families being separated.”
Puerto Rico: 3,000 Churches Damaged, Fewer Christians Left to Rebuild
Attendance drops as 400,000 island residents move to the mainland.
These Trump Advisers Want a Dreamers Deal Enough to Meet with Nancy Pelosi
Evangelicals join the push for protection for young immigrants.
Astros Pastor: ‘You’re Playing for the Lord’
The Houston team’s Spanish-speaking minister reflects on faith in the World Series.
How Do You Solve a Theological Problem Like Maria?
Caribbean Christians grapple with God’s role in a devastating hurricane season.
How Do You Solve a Theological Problem Like Maria?
Record hurricane season challenges believers in paradise to trust God amid life’s literal storms.
Shalom, Amigos: The Changing Faces of Christian Zionism
How Hispanic evangelicals hope to become Israel’s best friends.
1 in 3 American Evangelicals Is a Person of Color
But study of 101,000 people across 50 states discovers denominations make a big difference.
Trump Ends DACA, Despite Pleas from Evangelical Advisers
(UPDATED) Two-thirds of evangelicals favor work permits for Dreamers, as program for undocumented immigrants who came as children now faces six-month deadline.
Evangelicals to Trump: Don’t Deport Our Next Generation of Church Leaders
Conservative Christians defend Dreamers as President prepares to modify or drop DACA.
God Hears Your Back-to-School Prayers
A new school year brings more challenges and opportunities for Christians in education.
Between Two Cultures: How Latina Christians Approach Leadership
Yvette Santana pilots a new project to coalesce Hispanic women.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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