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The Bulletin Episode 22|45min
Is Nature Healing?
Fox pays Dominion and fires Tucker, Joe Biden says "Let's do it again," and CT looks to the future.
Um guia para entender os ‘Anéis de Poder’, série da Amazon
O reino de Númenor criado por Tolkien é um conto de advertência para nós, hoje.
If We Can’t Reason Together, How Can We Worship Together?
The knowledge crisis afflicting American society poses even greater dangers for the church.
Una pequeña introducción moral a los ‘Los anillos de poder’ de Amazon
Que la historia de Tolkien acerca del reino de Númenor sirva de advertencia para nosotros hoy.
Petite introduction morale aux « Anneaux de pouvoir » d’Amazon
Le royaume de Númenor décrit par Tolkien a encore des choses à nous apprendre.
A Moral Primer on Amazon’s ‘Rings of Power’
Tolkien’s kingdom of Númenor is a cautionary tale for us today.
Saving Local Media Outlets Is a Way to Love Your Neighbor
As Good News people, these Christians are fighting to revive community-centered journalism.
L’expertise a-t-elle de l’avenir ?
L’orgueil de certains experts conduit à l’impasse, tout comme la suspicion généralisée à l’égard de l’ensemble de leurs collègues.
Meet the Pioneering Radio Preachers Who Revolutionized Religious Broadcasting
How Fulton J. Sheen and Walter A. Maier unlocked the evangelistic power of the airwaves.
Can We Resurrect Expertise?
Suspicion of and pride from authority figures are not virtues.
War of Words: Where Is the Truth in a War Torn, Social Media Driven World?
How can we pursue authentic credible information in a world that is constantly bombarding us with fake news?
Viral JesusEpisode 34|36min
DeVon Franklin: It Takes a Village
How the women in his life pointed DeVon to Jesus every step of the way.
Être journaliste politique a fait de moi un meilleur chrétien
De nombreux chrétiens sont hostiles aux médias, mais ma foi s’est approfondie grâce à ceux-ci.
Being a Political Journalist Made Me a Better Christian
While many Christians are hostile towards news media, my faith grew deeper because of it.
Viral JesusEpisode 27|42min
Dante Stewart: Making Space for Growth
Change is a part of the journey.
Hearing Lies About Russia’s War in Ukraine? The Best Defense Is Virtue.
Our best weapon against information warfare can be found in Scripture.
Viral JesusEpisode 26|37min
Tara Beth Leach: Learning to Be Undone
Why humility and surrender are essential to restoring the credibility of the American church’s witness.
Menemukan Cara Baru untuk Menceritakan Kisah Paskah
Sebuah metafora yang berkesan kuat untuk menolong kita menghadapi tantangan tahunan tersebut.

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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