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Christian Faith Was Jackie Robinson’s Haven in a Heartless World
A new biography offers an intimate account of his spiritual life, on and off the baseball field.
Nuestros servicios de adoración están convirtiendo la alabanza en ganancia secular
Con la consolidación corporativa de la música de alabanza, cada vez más entidades invierten en las canciones que se cantan los domingos por la mañana. ¿Cómo influirán en la Iglesia esos intereses económicos?
Our Worship Is Turning Praise into Secular Profit
With corporate consolidation in worship music, more entities are invested in the songs sung on Sunday mornings. How will their financial incentives shape the church?
Company that Trademarked ‘Worship Leader’ Makes Others Drop the Term
Popular meme accounts lose social media pages after being reported by Authentic Media, which says it coined the phrase.
The Bible Gives Investors Like Me a New Perspective on Risk
If we believe all that God promises, we won’t always opt for playing it safe.
In Christian Publishing, ‘Platform’ Is Being Weighed and Found Wanting
Favoring big-name authors and “influencers” might be good for the bottom line, but not always for the books—and readers—themselves.
Will Elon Musk Welcome The Babylon Bee Back to Twitter?
The increasingly political Christian satire site hasn’t been able to tweet since March, but the platform’s new owner is a fan of the Bee and free speech.
我们该继续用 “山丘之歌” (Hillsong) 的诗歌敬拜吗?
我們該繼續用「山丘之歌 (Hillsong)」的詩歌敬拜嗎?
¿Deberíamos seguir cantando las canciones de Hillsong?
Mientras los expastores de la megaiglesia están en las noticias con acusaciones de escándalo y abuso, la polémica continúa.
Something Old, Something New. Something Borrowed, Something Pew.
Traditional church seating gets a second life at outdoor weddings.
New York City’s Largest Evangelical Church Plans Billion-Dollar Development
The Brooklyn congregation and its pastor A.R. Bernard hope the Jane Jacobs–inspired urban village will be a model for other cities.
This Side of Eden, the Ideal Bookstore Doesn’t Exist
As a longtime Christian bookseller, I figured I’d enjoy a fellow bookseller’s ode to browsing, buying, and reading. Here’s why it left me feeling conflicted.
우리는 힐송 찬양을 계속 불러야 할 것인가?
초대형교회의 전 목사들이 스캔들과 학대 혐의로 뉴스에 오르내리며 논쟁이 되고 있다.
Saving Local Media Outlets Is a Way to Love Your Neighbor
As Good News people, these Christians are fighting to revive community-centered journalism.
Should We Keep Singing Hillsong?
When the megachurch’s former pastors are in the news with allegations of scandal and abuse, what a contentious name it is.
Health Care Sharing Ministry Sharity Leaves 10K Families with Millions in Unpaid Bills
The network went bankrupt in the face of ongoing legal challenges, and regulators don’t expect members will receive the $50 million-plus they’re owed.
The Gods of ‘Techtopia’ Giveth, and They Taketh Away
Silicon Valley showers its workers with “spiritual” perks, but only at the cost of absolute devotion.

Top Story April 27, 2024

Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
How groups like Hillsong learned to let go of the literal in favor of creative collaboration.

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