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L’Ancien Testament prédit la crucifixion. Qu’en est-il de la résurrection ?
Même avant la venue du Christ, un « troisième jour » traverse les Écritures.
El celibato como elección
Dejemos de pensar en la soltería como un problema.
Picture Jesus: Is He Shiny?
Christ’s resplendence in the Transfiguration says more than we think.
The Quest for a Good Children’s Bible
A children’s ministry veteran explains where kids’ Bibles tend to go wrong—and highlights a few that get it right.
Décès de l’autrice Letha Dawson Scanzoni, précurseure du féminisme biblique
Sa lecture égalitarienne des écritures lui valut des critiques et son soutien à la reconnaissance de la communauté LGBTQ la mit à l’écart du monde évangélique.
The Old Testament Foretells the Crucifixion. What about the Resurrection?
Even before the coming of Christ, a “third day” refrain runs through Scripture.
I Hated ‘Church People.’ But I Knew I Needed Them.
As I attended my second funeral in three weeks, two Christians showed me a kindness I couldn’t explain.
The Bible Was Written to Be Heard and Spoken to Be Read
God’s Word has oral and textual dimensions, and we shouldn’t pit them against one another.
Should the Bible Sound Like the Language in the Streets?
Controversy over Bibles in Jamaica, the Philippines, and Germany reveal the divide between the sacred and the relatable.
홍콩의 운명론: 코로나19와 중국의 강력한 통제는 하나님의 뜻인가?
그 태도가 홍콩의 교회 안팎에서 어떻게 나타나는지
Le sabbat n’est pas un produit de luxe.
Dieu a sanctifié le repos hebdomadaire pour tous, et pas seulement pour les plus économiquement stables.
Reading the Old Testament Through Ancient Egyptian Eyes
Learning about the land of Pharaoh helps us understand the people of Israel in their context.
Died: Letha Dawson Scanzoni, Who Argued Feminism Is Biblical
The author of All We’re Meant to Be faced serious backlash over egalitarian reading of Scripture and her support for LGBTQ affirmation.
Sabbath Is Not a Luxury Good
God designed weekly rest to be holy for all people, not just the economically stable.
Apocalipsis tiene buenas noticias para hoy, no un plan estratégico para el futuro
Para conseguir una imagen más clara de este misterioso libro, cambiemos el enfoque de la predicción a la misión.
الإيرانيون يكتسبون 12 طريقة جديدة لقراءة الكتاب المقدس
الأقليات المهمشة تستلم ترجمات جديدة للعهد الجديد. ”إذا تأنى الرب يسوع في عودته ، فسيمكنهم القول: المسيحيون حافظوا على حضارتنا”.
Viral JesusEpisode 107|47min
Lingering in the Tension of Scripture
Theologian Kat Armas says there’s much to learn from the Bible’s moments of grief, discomfort, and unanswerable questions.
Em tempos de divisão, é preciso falar mais sobre inimigos
Parece contraditório. Mas há razões bíblicas e culturais para acreditar nisso.

Top Story April 26, 2024

After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
The plan would organize UMC churches in four global regions, with each given more leeway around same-sex marriage and other theological issues.

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