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Heat Stroke
The climate for addressing global warming is improving.
Climate Change Briefing Brings Together Christian Aid Groups
Rising temperatures will disproportionately affect the poor, say analysts.
Rediscovering 'Husbandry'
What Colonial farmers have to teach us about living with the land.
'Books & Culture' Corner: Tending the Garden
Evangelicals and the environment.
Back to the Garden
Our task is neither to shield nature from humanity nor to tame all wilderness.
Christmas Unplugged, Part 1
Why spending less and turning off TV should be part of the church's mission to the world.
Christmas Unplugged, Part 2
Why spending less and turning off TV should be part of the church's mission to the world.
EDITORIAL: Cairo’s Wake-up Call
Although abortion was dealt a setback at the UN population conference, post-Christian values are gaining worldwide.
Are People The Problem?, Part 1—The Bet
(Some population experts predict apocalyptic scenarios. Others argue that human ingenuity can meet the challenge. Deciding who is right has as much to do with faith as with facts.
Are People The Problem?, Part 1—The Bet (b)
(Some population experts predict apocalyptic scenarios. Others argue that human ingenuity can meet the challenge. Deciding who is right has as much to do with faith as with facts.
SIDEBAR: Why Christians Should Support Population Programs
Are We Our Planet’s Keeper?
Our problems with the environment are not merely technical, they are spiritual.
A Handful of Mud
We can live with less money. Without the land we will die.
A Message to Polluters from the Bible
And 'we are all polluters' says this scientist.
Christianity and the Environmental Crisis
An interview with Dr. Carl Reidel, the assistant director of the Center for Environmental Studies at Williams College. The interviewer asks Reidel, "Is the environmental crisis as serious as so many make it out to be?" His response: "Put it this way: Things are much, much worse than most people think."

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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