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Billy Graham Archives Begin Move from Wheaton to Charlotte
While Franklin Graham aims to consolidate the late evangelist’s legacy, some scholars raise concerns about research opportunities.
Quick To ListenEpisode 140|48min
The History of the Fundamentalists Facing a Massive Abuse Scandal
Meet the conservative Baptists who don’t like Billy Graham.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Christian Standard Bible
How the Jesus People Made the Bible Cool
From Billy Graham to Bob Dylan, how a youth movement briefly changed the world.
The Family Feud that Changed the Shape of Christian Higher Education
What makes a college “evangelical” or “fundamentalist?” The dividing lines weren’t always so clear.
It’s Not Billy Graham Rule or Bust
15 ways my husband and I guard our marriage while still loving our friends of the opposite sex.
A Spirit Thing
Billy Graham’s God-given vision for a magazine of “conviction and love.”
Quick To ListenEpisode 105|38min
About That Evangelical Summit in Wheaton This Week
And why conferences are such an enduring and crucial part of the movement.
Billy Graham’s Death Leads 10,000 to Pray for Salvation
How the evangelist’s online memorial continues to preach the gospel.
The 6 Songs Billy Graham Picked for His Funeral
(UPDATED) The evangelist planned his own ceremony. Experts analyze the music he chose.
Congrats, Billy: Stats Show Your Evangelical Movement Is Still Going Strong
Born-again believers have kept the faith over four decades, while most religious switching has been between mainline Protestants and the “nones.”
Billy Graham Is in Heaven. His Funeral Guests Got a Glimpse of It.
(UPDATED) A first-hand report from the evangelist’s “last crusade,” which he planned years before his death last week at 99.
How Billy Graham Brokered World Peace Between Evangelism and Social Justice
The evangelist partnered with John Stott on the Lausanne Movement and helped revive the World Evangelical Alliance.
What It Was Like to Be Billy Graham’s Pastor
Don Wilton, Graham’s spiritual confidant and preacher at his burial, said the evangelist never stopped striving for God.
What Is Billy Graham’s Friendship with Martin Luther King Jr. Worth?
Contemporary Christians have mixed takes on late evangelist’s civil rights legacy.
The CallingEpisode 63|42min
How Billy Graham Built Christianity Today
CT's former president, Harold Myra, on the time he was grilled by Billy Graham, and what he learned from working with him.
The Ultimate Billy Graham Playlist
How America’s pastor popped up in lyrics from Pat Boone to Johnny Cash to dc Talk.
Quick To ListenEpisode 97|37min
A Billy Graham Biographer Tells All!
Grant Wacker on the evangelist’s sense of humor, his surprising friendship with LBJ, and his favorite of the Ten Commandments.
The Secrets to Graham’s Success
Five factors that show why the evangelist turned the world upside down.
Mr. Graham Goes to Washington: First Pastor Honored in US Capitol
Before his “canvas cathedral” funeral, the late evangelist will be the first private citizen since Rosa Parks to get a viewing in the Rotunda.
Someday You Will Read or Hear That Billy Graham Didn’t Really Say That
The quote that went viral after Graham’s death actually came from D. L. Moody—but he probably wouldn’t mind.

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Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
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