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Report: Iran Arrested 166 Christians in 2023, Targeting Bible Distributors
Four watchdog groups unite to urge UK parliament to hold Tehran accountable for “faceless victims” of Islamic reeducation and other religious freedom violations.
He Enzheng: Female Missionary Pioneer in Xinjiang
Her faith and sacrifices have inspired many Chinese Christians to devote their lives to mission in the Muslim region.
Through Compassion Philippines, Locals Can Now Sponsor Children
Following in the footsteps of South Korea, the most-Christian country in Asia opens its own fundraising office.
Meet the Iranian Christians Crafting an Evangelical Alliance
Introducing 11 of the dozens of diaspora ministries working to unite one of the world’s fastest-growing gospel movements.
Should the Bible Sound Like the Language in the Streets?
Controversy over Bibles in Jamaica, the Philippines, and Germany reveal the divide between the sacred and the relatable.
How a Radio Current Jolted a Christian Leader into Staying in Ministry
After an accident on a radio tower, Federico Magbanua went on to inspire a generation of pastors in the Philippines.
Florence Li Tim-Oi: The First Woman Priest in the Anglican Communion
The Western church regards her highly, but some Chinese Christians struggle with her affinity for socialist ideology and betrayal of coworkers in Mao’s era.
‘I Nosedived into Christianity’: How a President’s Daughter Found Jesus
Once broken and desperate, Jerika Ejercito—daughter of former Philippine president Estrada—now wants to help others find wholeness.
A Call to ‘Wake Up’ 50 Years After Malaysia’s Bario Revival
A revival spread in a small tribal village in 1973. Its impact is still being felt today.
Family, Dumplings, and Jesus? Christians Navigate Mongolian New Year
Believers are learning how to celebrate and evangelize amid Tsagaan Sar's Buddhism-infused rituals.
Сі Цзіньпін не намагається зробити християнство більш китайським
Основною метою Чжунго Хуа є не культурна асиміляція, а політичне одомашнення. Проте я як ніколи впевнений, що домашні церкви виживуть.
Си Цзиньпин не пытается сделать христианство более китайским
Основной целью Чжунго Хуа является не культурная ассимиляция, а политическое одомашнивание. Однако я как никогда уверен, что домашние церкви выживут.
Even Atheist Chinese Scholars Admire Alvin Plantinga
The analytical philosopher’s Reformed epistemology is greatly helpful for Christian apologetics and theological education in China.
From Descendants of the Dragon to Heirs of God
Their culture tells them the dragon is transcendent. Their Bibles tell them it’s evil. How should Chinese Christians approach this year’s zodiac animal?
From Painting Sean Connery to Writing Hit Indonesian Worship Songs
When a hand tremor ended Herry Priyonggo’s career painting movie posters at 22, he turned the pain into singing. Now God has led him back to the canvas.
운명이 전부인가? 운명론이 아시아 전역의 교회에 미치는 영향
홍콩, 인도네시아, 일본, 필리핀, 한국, 스리랑카 및 태국의 목사와 학자들이 그들의 교회에서 운명론이 어떻게 드러나는지 이야기한다.

Top Story April 25, 2024

If This Ain’t Country, Expand Your Canon
If This Ain’t Country, Expand Your Canon
Beyoncé’s right. Whether listening to Cowboy Carter or reading theology, diversity is a good thing.

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