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Na República Dominicana, evangélicos pedem uma reforma da polícia
Leia esta e outras notícias sobre cristãos em um giro rápido ao redor do mundo.
France : La liberté religieuse doit être surveillée « comme le lait sur le feu ».
Et autres nouvelles des chrétiens à travers le monde.
Anglicans Lose 14 Properties in South Carolina Court Battle
And other brief news from Christians around the world.
Will US List Nigeria Again After Latest Religious Freedom Report?
Secretary Blinken warns Nigeria, Afghanistan, and other nations with unchecked violations, while USCIRF recommends additional countries of particular concern.
Owo Church Attack Kills Dozens of Nigerian Catholics on Pentecost Sunday
(UPDATED) Terrorists target Mass in Ondo, a normally peaceful southwestern state which recently passed grazing restrictions affecting Fulani herdsmen.
Nigerian Christians Protest Deborah’s Death
Blasphemy killing of Sokoto student and ISWAP execution video are latest examples of sectarian tensions in Africa's largest nation.
Where Ya From?Episode 22|37min
The First Lady of Reach Records with Wande
When working towards your dreams, it’s easy to crave control.
Gleanings: March 2022
News from Christians around the world.
Nigeria’s Newest Bible Translation Started with Missionary Lepers
After the gospel came to a small community in northeast Nigeria, two men on two different continents spent five decades translating Scripture into the Kamwe language.
The Global Church in 2021: CT’s Top 20 International Articles
Our most-read stories from abroad, from Haiti to Nigeria to Hong Kong.
Nigeria Removed, Russia Added to US State Department’s Religious Persecution List
USCIRF “appalled” at “unexplainable” Nigeria decision, “welcomes” Russia and Taliban inclusion, and wishes India, Syria, and Vietnam were also named and shamed.
28 Abducted Baptist School Students Freed in Nigeria
Parents reunite with sons and daughters at Bethel high school, yet more than 80 children remain with Kaduna kidnappers.
140 Nigerian Baptist Students Kidnapped in Kaduna
(UPDATED) “This is a very, very sad situation for us,” says Bethel Baptist pastor and state CAN leader whose son narrowly escaped.
Do Flags Belong in Churches? Pastors Around the World Weigh In.
Christian cases for yes, no, and flying other nations’ flags as congregations balance love of God, neighbor, and country.
Die 50 Länder, in denen es im Jahr 2021 am gefährlichsten ist, Jesus nachzufolgen
Neueste Untersuchungen zum Thema Christenverfolgung zeigen, dass 3 von 4 Märtyrern aus Nigeria kommen. Der Sudan taucht endlich nicht mehr in der Top 10 Liste der Staaten mit der schlimmsten Christenverfolgung auf. Indien bleibt unter den Top 10, während Mosambik und die Demokratische Republik Kongo neu in den Weltverfolgungsindex von Open Doors aufgenommen werden.
Els 50 països on és més difícil ser cristià l'any 2021
La recerca més recent sobre la persecució de cristians mostra que 3 de cada 4 màrtirs són de Nigèria, que apareix al grup dels 10 pitjors països en persecució de cristians per primer cop. El Sudan, finalment, desapareix d’aquest grup, mentre que l’Índia hi segueix apareixent. S’afegeix Moçambic i la RDC a la Llista de Portes Obertes.
關於基督徒受迫害情況的最新研究表明,四分之三的殉道者在尼日利亞,它首次躋身基督徒受迫害最嚴重的十個國家的行列。 蘇丹終於跌出前十名,印度還名列其中,而莫桑比克和剛果民主共和國則被加到了Open Doors 的觀察名單中。
Los 50 países donde es más difícil ser cristiano en 2021
Las última investigación acerca de la persecución de los cristianos indica que 3 de cada 4 asesinatos de cristianos ocurrieron en Nigeria, nación que por primera vez forma parte de los 10 países con mayores niveles de persecución. Sudán finalmente salió de este grupo, India permaneció, mientras que Mozambique y la República Democrática del Congo se sumaron a la lista.
أخطر 50 دولة لأتباع يسوع في عام 2021
تشير أحدث الأبحاث عن اضطهاد المسيحيين إلى أن 3 من أصل 4 شهداء هم في نيجيريا. خرج السودان أخيرًا من قائمة أسوأ 10 مضطهِدين بعد الإصلاحات، أمَا الهند فبقيت فيها، بينما دخل الموزمبيق و جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية قائمة تتبّع Open Doors.

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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