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Stop Blaming 'The Culture' for Our Distorted View of God
David Wells misses the deeper problem with modern-day spirituality
Auditing America's Political Integrity
The IRS scandal, Benghazi incidents, and the disappointment of dishonorable leadership.
A Faith Worth Defending
Claims of a married Jesus reinforce the need for apologetics.
Discipling Emerging Adults
Lead and encourage young adults to spiritual growth and leadership.
Intergenerational Outreach: Come Together for Effective Ministry
Equip and energize everyone in your church for evangelism and outreach.
The Gospel in Contexts
Religious and secular audiences require very different approaches.
Six Reasons Young People Leave the Church
Barna President David Kinnaman examines the trend.
Rethinking Faith
An interview with David Kinnaman
Faith that Sticks
Intergenerational connections and parental involvement give kids a faith that lasts beyond high school.
Rx for Spiritual A.D.D.
Interview with Richard Foster
Common Grace and Amazing Grace: A Review of David Brooks's 'The Social Animal'
Brooks's portrait of human flourishing lacks the essential elements of rescue and redemption.
A Sensory Revelation
Terrence Malick wants his films to capture the magic, wonder, and mystery of the universe.
The Seven Levels of Lying
We lie more than we think. And that's part of the problem.
Why We Love Amish Romances
In our brave, liberated new world, more American evangelical readers are seeking freedom in the Old Order.
The Discerning Seller: LifeWay to Drop Warning Labels
The "Read with Discernment" program listed popular authors as "strictly for critical study or research."
How to Teach Sex
Seven realities that Christians in every congregation need to know.
The Enduring Church
Believers in every age worry about the collapse of the faith.
Heresy Is Heresy, Not the Litmus Test of Gospel Preaching
It's time to put aside this abused "badge of honor."
The Gospel of Steve Jobs
The Apple CEO was able to articulate a perfectly secular form of hope.
Flunking Pew's Pop Quiz
Good thing the Last Judgment is not a round of Final Jeopardy!

Top Story April 30, 2024

Billy Graham Preached at His Crusades. His Singers Believed They Were Preaching Too.
Billy Graham Preached at His Crusades. His Singers Believed They Were Preaching Too.
A late historian explores how crusade hymns told both the classic story of gospel salvation and the evolving story of evangelical worship music.

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