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The Church Has Helped to Heal Those It Once Hurt
We can imitate those in Acts 6 who responded to the needs of neglected and oppressed women.
Should Churches Ban Pastors Who Engage in Abuse? Most Pastors Say Yes.
Trauma expert and therapist Dr. Diane Langberg reacts to the results of a recent Lifeway study.
The Missing Word in Our Reckonings on Race
Two pastors advocate reparations for victims of white supremacy.
Blessed Are the Canceled? Finding Redemption in ‘The Bachelor’ Controversy
For those who choose to listen, there is a godly grief that leads to repentance.
Trump Prophet Enraged His Followers by Apologizing. Now He’s Shutting Down His Ministry.
In an announcement Monday, Jeremiah Johnson said, “We are choosing to radically obey Jesus over any other voices in this season.”
Ash Wednesday’s Imposition of Humility
The dust from whence we came and will return dirties our hearts now.
What a Leading Racial Reconciliation Advocate Learned from Her Critics
Brenda Salter McNeil says she put too much faith in an approach that downplayed justice in order to seem nonthreatening.
Confessing Complicity in Systemic Sin
Why do I repent if it’s not my fault?
A vergonha não pode consertar o racismo. Mas a culpa pode.
Culpa é sobre ação com um caminho claro para a redenção. A vergonha nos deixa presos em nossos pecados.
Shaming Can’t Fix Racism. But Guilt Can.
Guilt is about action with a clear path to redemption. Shame leaves us stuck in our sin.
The Sweet Surrender of Salvation
By rising above self-interest we can taste the true honey of new creation.
The Pandemic as God’s Judgment
Does the biblical pattern of disaster and discipline with a call to repent apply to COVID-19?
My ‘Mom Rage’ Is Understandable. But It’s Not Excusable.
In my fury, I’m invited to repent and be restored at the foot of the cross.
My Road to Emmaus Ran Through East Los Angeles
Suffering and ministry turmoil left me devastated. Jesus met me there.
I Was a Violent Klansman Who Deserved to Die
Yet at the height of my segregationist fervor, God showed me mercy.
How Devotional Poetry Unlocks the Bible's Surprises
A new anthology helps us see the “saints and stumblers” of Scripture with fresh eyes.
7 Contradictory Cultural Trends – And 7 Ways Christians Can Respond With Integrity
We need to be ready to listen to the concerns of people who seem to be living contradictory lives. Thankfully, this is something the scriptures have prepared us for.
When Moral Boundaries Become Incubators for Sin
The walls we build around our ministries can lull us into spiritual complacency.

Top Story April 29, 2024

World Vision Brought Clean Water to More Than 1 Million Rwandans
World Vision Brought Clean Water to More Than 1 Million Rwandans
How the world’s largest nongovernmental provider of the resource is delivering on its promise.

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