
Move Over, Sex and Drugs. Ease Is the New Vice.
Do modern amenities make it tough for us to embody God’s love?
The Bible’s Best Description of Salvation Is a Phrase We Rarely Use
How Paul points the way to a fresh way of seeing faith.
Keeping Satan’s Fingerprints Off of Your Marriage
Why husbands and wives need to suit up for spiritual war.
A Time for War and a Time for Peace
Evangelical attitudes on foreign policy are more complicated than the warmonger stereotype suggests.
Margaret Feinberg: Scripture Is My Food for Thought
A conversation with the author of ‘Taste and See: Discovering God among Butchers, Bakers, and Fresh Food Makers.’
Your Plan B Is Still God’s Plan A
What a failed church plant taught me about divine purpose and provision.
Spiritual Revolutionaries in an Age of Despair
These practices of Anna and Simeon kept them faithful in a time of seeming hopelessness.
When Great Writers Wrestle with Faith
Why have so many modern novelists and poets chased after (and fled from) God?
CT Women’s Top 10 Articles of 2018
Why being ‘spiritual’ is never enough, how Kate Bowler experienced Christ in her cancer, and 10 lessons from same-sex abuse inside the church.
Why Song of Solomon Is Key to the Great Commission
Working effectively for Christ requires intimacy with him.
How to Defend the Gospels with Confidence
Questions about their reliability deserve better than sheepish mumbling.
From Russia, Without Love: Ukraine Marks Orthodox Christmas with Biggest Schism Since 1054
Eastern Orthodox experts and Protestant neighbors explain impact of Constantinople freeing Kiev from Moscow.
Ten Theses on Creation and Evolution That (Most) Evangelicals Can Support
We won’t achieve perfect unanimity on every contested topic.
Quick To ListenEpisode 142|37min
This New Year, Build Character
Why it's time to make virtue a priority.
Prison Was My First Pulpit
Linda Barkman was incarcerated after the man she lived with murdered her toddler. But she turned hardship into ministry.
The Stories Christianity Today Editors Hope You Didn't Miss
How history's revivals teach us to prayer, when Jesus showed up in the anatomy lab, and what really happens when you disciple a murderer.
I Escaped from Iran, but Not from God
As a child of the Iranian Revolution, I wanted nothing to do with religion.
This Novelist Won Me Over with His Sincere Love of Jesus
I read Charles Martin’s Bible retellings with a critical eye. But the more I read, the more I found myself overcome with their spiritual power.
Women in Missions Leadership Walk a Tightrope
Researcher Mary Lederleitner explores the confusions and frustrations they face.
I Don’t Know Why the Atonement ‘Works,’ But I Know It Does
Christ taking our place on the cross doesn’t always make sense. It doesn't have to.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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