
Are You More Loving Than God?
Let's be real. Many of us think we can do it better.
Church Is a Family, Not an Event
The Bible refers to fellow Christians as "brothers and sisters," but how often do we treat them as family?
Can Anger at God Be Righteous?
The Psalms show us how to faithfully protest to God.
Covenantal Theology: Can Muhammad’s Ancient Promise Inspire Muslim-Christian Peace Today?
To acquit Asia Bibi of blasphemy, Pakistan’s Supreme Court relied on supposed seventh-century treaty by Islam’s prophet.
How the Brain Keeps Faith in a Good God Amid a Weary World
Both C. S. Lewis and Job held onto their faith when their worlds imploded. Now psychologists suggest clues to understanding how the mind endures in suffering.
Melancholy Angels
God’s messengers can be both bombastic and surprisingly subdued.
The Incarnation Is the Rule, Not the Exception
How a theology of the ordinary informs Advent.
Yes, Mary Knew
How the question behind the recently controversial Christmas song stirs us to worship.
Mary, Mary, Not Quite So Contrary
Finding common ground so that the Virgin Mary becomes less of a battleground.
Why Apocalypse Is Essential to Advent
This season demands a clear view of darkness. Here’s how scholars reckon with it.
The Best Books Are Companions, Teachers, and Hope-Givers
A conversation on reading with an avid reader, “Book Girl” Sarah Clarkson.
4 Reasons to Believe in the Christmas Miracle
Why the supernatural events of this season are both credible and incredible.
Christmas Is Really Act 2
Can’t get enough of Christmas? You’ll love the prequels and sequels.
Karen Swallow Prior: Good Books Make Better People
Why history's wisest figures have seen a connection between reading well and living well.
Bonhoeffer: Advent Is Like a Prison Cell
In the midst of Nazi resistance, this Christian martyr offered three models for the season of waiting.
Russell Moore: Putting the Family First Puts the Church at Odds with Jesus
He came to divide sons from their fathers and daughters from their mothers—not to promote “family values.”
Chance the Rapper Shares a ‘Private Prayer’ from His Bible Reading Break
The Chicago musician begins his first sabbatical with a famous 80-year-old devotional.
Christianity Today’s 2019 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Christianity Today’s 2019 Book of the Year
The release that best embodies our pursuit of Beautiful Orthodoxy.
There’s Nothing Sketchy About Cross-Gender Friendships in the Church
Why we shouldn’t let the Billy Graham Rule—or the “Billy Crystal Rule”—define how men and women relate.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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