
Why Christians Should Avoid Watching Rape Scenes
What if there's a hidden human cost to our entertainment?
Miriam: A Pivotal Prophet
The ‘Prophets’ and ‘Apostles’ Leading the Quiet Revolution in American Religion
A Christian movement characterized by multi-level marketing, Pentecostal signs and wonders, and post-millennial optimism.
Man Shall Not Live on the New Testament Alone
No less than Jesus in the wilderness, we need every word that comes from the mouth of God.
After 50 Years in a Wheelchair, I Still Walk with Jesus
On the anniversary of her accident, Joni Eareckson Tada reflects on God’s faithfulness.
Died: Haddon Robinson, Champion of Biblical Preaching
The seminarian who taught and inspired decades of expositors ‘goes home to God.’
Why Evangelism Requires Both Logic and Loveliness
An apologist argues that beauty and imagination are key to faith formation.
Actually, Eugene Peterson Does Not Support Same-Sex Marriage
(UPDATED) In retraction, popular author affirms 'a biblical view of everything'—including marriage.
Eugene Peterson Shrugs
Why theological indifference is worse than progressivism.
How We Read the Bible Rightly and Get It Wrong
Let's show mercy to those who 'misinterpret' Jeremiah 29:11 and other favorite verses.
Why Christian Scholars Loved Peter Berger
His sympathetic treatment of faith made him a rock star among Christ-following academics.
Died: Peter Berger, Prominent Sociologist of Religion
(UPDATED) His work 'made all the theologians just want to be sociologists when they grew up.'
Judge Halts Deportations of Detroit Christians to Iraq
Court order gives 100-plus Chaldeans two weeks to make their case.
Finding My ‘True Self’ as a Same-Sex Attracted Woman
In my young-adult struggle with sexual identity, both legalistic condemnation and progressive license left me floundering.
The Case for a ‘New Christian Zionism’
Gerald McDermott challenges simplistic thinking about Israel’s past, present, and future.
Christ’s Transfiguration Is a Sneak Preview of Our Future
Jesus’ transformation on the mountain might have more to do with us than we think.
A Theology of Play
We don't have to always be doing something useful.
Why Christians Are Abandoning the Orphanage
A new focus on the family is changing how Christians care for abandoned and neglected children.
Spiritual Longing on the Silver Screen
How the makers (and watchers) of movies are engaged in a kind of prayer.
Do We Need a Stronger Word for 'Faith'?
Why theologian Matthew Bates would have evangelicals profess ‘allegiance’ to Christ.

Top Story June 18, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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