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Church Planting Strategies
Some insights from veteran church planter Ed Stetzer.
The Priority Principle
Leaders must tie what they do to their core values.
How Do You Exit a Church Gracefully?
Leaving is a process, not a point in time.
Are You a Curious Church Leader?
When we are genuinely curious about people, we will have a different relationship with them.
How Churches Can Mix Religion and Politics
Know your rights and restrictions before you engage politics as a church.
How to Grow Deeper Disciples
What the Reveal study tells us about ministry.
3 Signs that Volunteers are Losing Steam
Guard your workers against these traps.
Find Your Church's Unique Shape for Ministry
Start by discovering your kingdom concept.
Every Leader Needs a Mentor
Three reasons why acquiring a strong mentor might be the best decision you ever make.
What Millennials Want...in Leaders
How can we more effectively reach the next generation?
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