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Women Benefit from Health-Care Overhaul
The failing industry says it will stop charging women at higher premium rates than it charges men.
The Persecuted Rifqa Bary?
Christians rally support for a 17-year-old believer who says her Muslim parents have threatened to kill her. Should they believe her?
The Top 10 Her.meneutics Posts of the Year
The women's blog posts that most caught your attention in 2010.
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Beyond SlutWalk: A New Conversation about Sexual Assault
Why Justin and Lindsey Holcombs' new Crossway book, Rid of My Disgrace, is the perfect conversation starter.
Top 10 Posts of the Past 30 Days
In case you missed them the first time, here are the recent posts that got readers talking.
Her.meneutics' Summer Reading List
What our regular bloggers are taking to the pool.
Top 10 Posts of the Summer
For those wanting to get back to the park and the poolside, here's a retrospective round-up, a list of the most-read posts from June to September. Enjoy!
Marlena Graves
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