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Tired of the Show: Why the Church Can't (and Shouldn't) Compete with Hollywood
No one is leaving church because we're not putting on a good enough show. They're looking for something else entirely.
5 Reasons to Stop Making Your Sermon Notes Rhyme
Instead of playing linguistic games, we need to produce better content. In a format that matches the way people listen, talk and live.
Why We Need Churches of All Types – And All Sizes
It's important to learn from other churches without becoming a cookie-cutter copy of them.
9 Things I Love to See When I Visit a Church
I don't need a Hollywood-level production, just a genuine, healthy expression of worship and fellowship.
Forget Being Culturally Relevant – The Church Needs to Be Contextually Real
Chasing relevance makes our churches look the same in ways we should be different – from each other and from the culture.
The Church Does Not Exist to Entertain Us – Or Bore Us
Jesus never bored people with the gospel. But entertainment was never the point. Truth was the point. And truth is never boring.
9 Things I Love to Hear In a Sermon
After thousands of sermons, you stop being impressed by the flash, and you start noticing the essentials.
Culturally Relevant or Contextually Real, Part 2: More than Semantics?
When a term becomes so misunderstood that it loses its value, it needs rewording. We may be there with cultural relevance.
The Raw Beauty of Giving God Our Second Best
Sometimes ‘God deserves our best’ can serve as a cover for our pride. God also wants our second best. And our worst. And everything in between.
4 Ways to Discover and Capitalize On Your Church’s Unique Voice
If you're copying another church, you’re not being the church God called you to be. And the kingdom of God is poorer for not having your voice in it.
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