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Overcoming a Reluctance to Lead
When you or a member of your team face doubts about leading well, use this guide to combat those feelings.
Finding and Encouraging Young Leaders
Wisdom for selecting and working with younger or inexperienced leaders.
Leading as an Introvert
Both introverts and extroverts can learn how personality type affects church leadership.
Building a Team
A strong, healthy leadership team is the foundation of your ministry.
Make sure you handle sensitive information properly.
Building & Remodeling
Decide if it's time to build or renovate, and how to proceed.
Lead With Your Strengths
The Power of Leading by Influence
What I’m learning as Executive Pastor of Willow Creek
Eight Ways to Deal with Control Freaks in the Small Church
In small churches, each member has greater impact. This tends to attract control freaks. But we can deal with them lovingly and effectively.
Measuring What Matters: The Challenge of Church Metrics
Accurate church metrics are helpful. But we should never fool ourselves into thinking we can measure the immeasurable.
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