A few days before this issue went to press, our editorial staff welcomed Dr. James M. Boice, whom the masthead now lists as editorial assistant. For two summers during his Princeton Seminary days, Jim served us as an efficient editorial aide. Then he went abroad for further studies. Now, with a Harvard B.A. in literature, a Princeton B.D., and a Basel D.Theol. (insigni cum laude), he is well equipped for an exciting career in the world of words and the Word. His doctoral dissertation, hopefully soon to be published, is on The Idea of Witness in the Fourth Gospel.
Readers of our fortnightly feature Current Religious Thought will soon discover a new participant: Dr. Reginald Stackhouse, professor of philosophy of religion at Wycliffe College (Anglican), Toronto, Canada. Since 1967 is the Canadian centennial year, CHRISTIANITY TODAY will devote its March 31 issue to that important dominion. And during the centennial year Professor Stackhouse will contribute to the January 20, April 14, and July 7 issues. Other writers of the highly readable reviews of Current Religious Thought are G. C. Berkouwer, J. D. Douglas (now editor of The Christian and Christianity Today as well as our British editorial representative), Harold B. Kuhn, Addison H. Leitch, and John W. Montgomery.