Twenty Promising New Volumes

The editors of CHRISTIANITY TODAY asked publishers to single out their most significant religious books scheduled for publication this spring. These are their choices and comments:

Benson, David V., A Christian Answer to Communism: “a hard-hitting analysis of Marxism from an evangelical point of view” (Regal Books).

Bright, John, The Authority of the Old Testament: “one of the foremost scholars in the field of Old Testament study develops hermeneutical principles to guide the minister in his use of the Old Testament” (Abingdon).

Clarke, W. R., Pew Asks: Pulpit Answers: “questions foremost on the minds of contemporary Christians—and forthright answers in the light of a changing world” (Christopher).

Drakeford, John W., Integrity Therapy: “a major new approach to psychological health—that of recognizing and dealing with the problem of guilt” (Broadman).

Griffiths, Michael, Take My Life: “a plea for a whole-hearted Christianity which will transform every aspect of our daily living” (Inter-Varsity).

Hendricks, Kenneth C., The Shadow of His Hand: “a biography of a warm, dedicated Japanese missionary who devoted his life to men in the slums of Tokyo” (Bethany Press).

Jabay, Earl, Search for Identity: “the chaplain of the New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute uses layman’s language to reveal how Christ and his teaching can help bring sense to everyday living” (Zondervan).

Jeremias, Joachim, Rediscovering the Parables: “the world-famous German New Testament scholar has written a book on the parables which can be read with ease and pleasure and profit by laymen, student, minister, teacher and scholar” (Scribners).

Johnson, James L., Code Name Sebastian: “a fast-paced Christian thriller which shows the difficulties which a committed Christian faces in the world around him” (Lippincott).

Lewis, C. S., Christian Reflections: “the first posthumous collection of essays from one of Christianity’s leading thinkers and writers” (Eerdmans).

Little, Paul, Know Why You Believe: “will give Christians many sound reasons for clinging to their hopes and their beliefs” (Scripture Press).

Long, Edward LeRoy, Jr., A Survey of Christian Ethics: “the only comprehensive study of the whole spectrum of Christian ethics” (Oxford).

Oglesby, Carl, and Shaull, Richard, Containment and Change: “analyzes the two conflicting forces in today’s world—order for the sake of peace and change for the sake of justice” (Macmillan).

Peerman, Dean (editor), Frontline Theology: “the freshest statement to date of current theological trends in all their ferment and flux” (John Knox).

Phillips, J. B., Ring of Truth: A Translator’s Testimony: “Phillips’s response to the current debate on the authenticity and nature of the New Testament records” (Macmillan).

Proctor, Lillian C., No Uncertain Sound: “an absorbing novel that explores the impact Christ had on those around him; written from the point of view of a Roman tribune serving Jerusalem during the ministry of Christ” (Augsburg).

Redding, David A., The New Immorality: “it takes a strong evangelical position in the face of changing moral codes and standards” (Revell).

Richardson, Herbert W., Toward a Sociotechnic Theology: “claims that it is now the supreme task of theology to furnish those radically new symbols needed for the coming sociotechnic age” (Harper & Row).

Shrader, Wesley, Yeshua’s Diary: “a sensitive interpretation of the emotions and thoughts of Jesus, through the medium of a diary such as he might have kept” (Judson).

Swanson, Guy E., Religion and Regime: A Sociological Account of the Reformation: “examines forty-one socities in fifteenth- through seventeenth-century Europe to show why some socities became Protestant while others remained Catholic” (University of Michigan).

ETHICAL, SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND CULTURAL STUDIES:ABINGDON will offer Religion and Contemporary Western Culture by E. Cell, Creeds in Collision by R. B. Garrison, The Glorious Imperative by E. Palmer, Man, the Manipulator by E. Shostrom, and Protestant Faith and Religious Liberty by P. Wogaman. ASSOCIATION,Alternatives to Violence: Alienated Youth and Riots, Race, and Poverty, by S. Bernstein, Modern Man in Search of Manhood by T. A. Greene, and The Art of Helping People Effectively by S. C. Mahoney. AUGSBURG,Iron Curtain Christians by K. Hutten. BAKER,Christian Male-Female Relationships by Z. B. Green. BROADMAN,Men Are Like That by R. Herring. COLUMBIA,Paths to World Order edited by A. W. Cordier and K. Maxwell. EERDMANS,In Search of Contemporary Man (P) by K. Hamilton and White Reflections on Black Power (P) by Fager. HARPER & Row, You and the New Morality by J. A. Pike. HELICON,Race: Migration and Integration by J. Newman. INTER-VARSITY,Take My Life by M. Griffiths. JUDSON,The Mind of Japan by T. Aikawa and L. Leavenworth. MACMILLAN,The Invisible Religion by T. Luckmann, Containment and Change by C. Oglesby and R. Shaull, and Consequences: Truth and … by D. Berrigan. MCKAY, Let’s End the Draft Mess by G. Walton and Overcharge by L. Metcalf and V. Reinemer. MEREDITH,John F. Kennedy and American Catholicism by L. H. Fuchs. OXFORD,A Survey of Christian Ethics by E. L. Long, Jr. REGAL BOOKS,A Christian Answer to Communism by D. V. Benson. REVELL, Shot to Hell by K. Bill, Wizards that Peep and Mutter by P. Bauer, and The New Immorality by D. A. Redding. SCRIBNERS,Deeds and Rules in Christian Ethics by P. Ramsey. SEABURY,Sex Is Dead and Other Postmortems by E. H. Brill. SIMON AND SCHUSTER,Treblinka by J.-F. Steiner. WESTMINSTER,Sex and Sanity by S. B. Babbage, Moral Responsibility by J. Fletcher, and The Church as a Prophetic Community by E. C. Gardner. WORLD,Biblical Ethics by T. B. Maston. ZONDERVAN,Search for Identity by E. Jabay and Managing Your Time by T. W. Engstrom and A. Mackenzie.

LITURGY, WORSHIP:ABINGDON will publish Sayings and Sentences for Church Bulletins (P) by P. Holdcraft. CONCORDIA,The Year of the Lord (P) by T. Kleinhans. HELICON,Liturgical Renewal in the Christian Churches edited by M. J. Taylor. JOHN KNOX,The Worship of the Reformed Church by J. M. Barkley, The Font and the Table by E. J. F. Arndt, and The Joy of Freedom: Eastern Worship and Modern Man by P. Verghese. OXFORD,The Worldliness of Worship by J. F. White. REVELL,The Complete Funeral Manual by J. L. Christensen. WESTMINSTER,Presbyterian Confessions by E. Dowey. WORLD,A Sourcebook for Christian Worship edited by P. S. McElroy.

MISSIONS, EVANGELISM, CHURCH OUTREACH:AUGSBURG will put out New Branches on the Vine by A. Koschade. BAKER,The Tears of Jesus by L. R. Scarborough. BEACON HILL PRESS (of Kansas City), Genuine Revival (P) by R. V. Delong. BETHANY PRESS,The Shadow of His Hand by K. C. Hendricks. EERDMANS,To Advance the Gospel: Collected Writings of Rufus Anderson edited by P. Hughes and Barriers to Church Growth by H. Lindsell. JUDSON,The Converted Church by P. L. Stagg. LIPPINCOTT,The Church Unbound by N. K. Gottwald. MEREDITH,A Christianity Today Reader edited by F. E. Gaebelein. NELSON,Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Missions by B. L. Goddard. SCRIBNERS,The Pagoda and the Cross: The Life of Bishop Ford of Maryknoll by J. F. Donovan. WESTMINSTER,Christian Education in Mission by L. M. Russell and For All the World by J. V. Taylor. ZONDERVAN,Crusade ’66—Britain Hears Billy Graham (P) by J. Pollock, Setting Men Free by B. Larson, Reaching the Silent Billion by D. E. Mason, and Then Came Jesus by C. A. Kirby.

NEW TESTAMENT:ABINGDON promises The Word of Reconciliation by H. H. Farmer. BAKER,The Book of Revelation by C. DeSanto and The Apocalypse of John by I. T. Beckwith. HARPER & ROW, Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus by N. Perrin. HERALD,Sayings of Jesus by E. Dumbauld. JUDSON,Paul and Romans (P) by G. Vanderlip. LIPPINCOTT,Resurrection Then and Now by J. McLeman. MACMILLAN,Ring of Truth by J. B. Phillips. REVELL,They Stood Boldly by W. P. Barker. SEABURY,The New Testament in the Contemporary World (P) by W. W. Jackson. WESTMINSTER,The Gospel According to St. Paul by A. M. Hunter, The First Three Gospels by W. Barclay, and The Meaning of ‘Fishers of Men’ by W. Wuellner. ZONDERVAN,A Critical and Doctrinal Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans by W. G. T. Shedd.

OLD TESTAMENT:ABINGDON will issue The Authority of the Old Testament by J. Bright and Introduction to the Old Testament by G. Fohrer. BAKER,The Book of Jonah (P) by D. W. Hillis and The Prophets in Outline by R. C. Maddux. EERDMANS,Obadiah (P) by J. Watts and With Bands of Love: A Study of Hosea (P) by D. Hubbard. HARPER & ROW, The Kingship of God by M. Buber. INTER-VARSITY,Ancient Orient and Old Testament by K. A. Kitchen. JUDSON,Living with the Psalms by J. H. Scammon. WESTMINSTER,The Self-Revelation of God by J. K. Kuntz, Basic Forms of Prophetic Speech by C. Westermann, and Theology of the Old Testament, Volume II, by W. Eichrodt. ZONDERVAN,Introducing the Old Testament by L. A. T. Van Dooren.

PASTORAL THEOLOGY (PREACHING, COUNSELING, CHURCH ADMINISTRATION):ABINGDON will put out In the Biblical Preacher’s Workshop by D. E. Stevenson and Recent Homiletical Thought by W. Thompson. BAKER,Managing Grief Wisely by S. Cornils and Baker’s Dictionary of Practical Theology by R. G. Turnbull. BEACON HILL PRESS (of Kansas City), The Adventure of the Christian Ministry by M. Arnold and Fasting and Spiritual Renewal by M. E. Poole. BROADMAN,Planning Your Preaching by J. Winston Pearce. CHRISTOPHER,The Case for Pastoral Clinical Training by W. P. Bell. HARPER & ROW, Enemy in the Pew? by D. D. Walker. HELICON,Law for Liberty: The Role of Law in the Church Today by J. E. Biechler. WESTMINSTER,New Congregations by D. L. Metz and Contemporary Theology and Psychotherapy by T. C. Oden. ZONDERVAN,The Funeral Sourcebook by H. Lockyer.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION:CHRISTOPHER will be bringing out Pew Asks: Pulpit Answers by W. R. Clarke. FRIENDSHIP,Encounter of the Faiths (P), by G. W. Carpenter, The Bible and the Faiths of Men (P) by V. E. Devadutt, What Future for Christianity? (P) by S. F. Bayne, Jr., and The Mysterious Mr. Cobb (P) by M. Scovel. HARPER & ROW, From Primitives to Zen by M. Eliade. REVELL,Please Pray for the Cabbages by H. Kooiman and The Party Planner by B. Hogan. SCRIPTURE PRESS,Children Can Be Taught to Obey (P) by W. W. Orr, Family Devotions—A Key to Happier Homes (P) by W. W. Orr, and Know Why You Believe (P) by P. Little. SEABURY,What’s God Doing Today?: Talks with Parents and Children by R. Isaac. STANDARD,Training for Service in the Senior Hi Department by G. Fargusson and Give Your Lessons a Visual Punch by D. Roper. WESTMINSTER,Christian Education in Mission by L. M. Russell, Straight Talk About Teaching in Today’s Church by L. E. Bowman, Jr., and A Theology for Christian Education by N. F. S. Ferré. WORLD,Religion That Works by J. Bruere. ZONDERVAN,Principles of Biblical Interpretation by A. S. Wood and The Living God by R. DeHaan.

SERMONS:ABINGDON will be printing Surprises in the Bible by C. G. Chappell, When Crisis Comes by M. T. Cecil, This Is Living by A. L. Griffith, and Sermons from Revelation by C. G. Chappell. BAKER,Sketches for Revival Sermons by J. C. Hornberger. BEACON HILL PRESS (of Kansas City), Christ’s Parables Today by G. K. Bowers. BIBLICAL RESEARCH PRESS,Sermons of Jim Bill McInteer from the “Great Preachers of Today” series. CONCORDIA,A Cross to Glory by A. F. Wedel. MEREDITH,Footprints in a Darkened Forest by F. J. Sheen. REVELL,Living in Kingdom Come by V. Havner. ZONDERVAN,Simple Sermons for 20th Century Christians by W. H. Ford.

THEOLOGY:ASSOCIATION will publish The Dance of the Pilgrim: A Christian Style of Life for Today (P) by J. Maguire, Affirmations of God and Man: Writings for Modern Dialogue edited by E. Fuller, and Creation Versus Chaos: The Reinterpretation of Mythical Symbolism in the Bible by B. W. Anderson. AUGSBURG,The Final Act by P. Kjeseth and The Miracle of Mark by R. Harrisville. BEACON HILL PRESS (of Kansas City), Foundations of Wesleyan-Arminian Theology by M. B. Wynkoop. BETHANY PRESS,Jesus, Existence, and the Kingdom (P) by R. G. Gruenler; EERDMANS,Harvest of Medieval Theology (P) by H. Oberman. HELICON,Theological Investigations, Volume IV: More Recent Writings by K. Rahner. HERALD,Principles of Biblical Interpretation (P) by M. S. Augsburger. JUDSON,God’s DoingMan’s Undoing by R. H. Elliott, et al.JOHN KNOX,Christmas Eve: Dialogue on the Incarnation (P) by F. Schleiermacher, Frontline Theology edited by D. Peerman, Martin Buber (P) by R. G. Smith, Gabriel Marcel (P) by S. Keen, and A Religion Against Itself (P) by R. W. Jenson. LIPPINCOTT,Radical Theology: Phase Two edited by G. R. Wittig and C. W. Christian. MACMILLAN,The Names and Titles of Jesus by L. Sabourin, New Theology No. 4 by M. E. Marty and D. Peerman, and The Many-Faced Argument: Recent Studies in the Ontological Argument for the Existence of God by J. Hick and A. McGill. PRINCETON,John Calvin, The Church, and the Eucharist by K. McDonnell. SCRIBNERS,Worldly Theology: The Hermeneutical Focus of an Historical Faith by C. Michalson. SEABURY,Faith and Freedom: A Study of Theological Education and the Episcopal Theological School by G. L. Blackman and Not Only Peace by A. R. Booth. WESTMINSTER,The Divided Mind of Modern Theology by J. D. Smart, America and the Future of Theology by W. A. Beardslee, The Resurrection by G. W. H. Lampe and D. M. MacKinnon, The Roots of Radical Theology by J. C. Cooper, Has Christianity a Revelation? by F. G. Downing, New Directions in Theology Today, Volume V, by P. Hessert, and True Deceivers by W. and L. Pelz. WORLD,Atheism Is Dead by A. J. Lelyveld.


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