Volumes of Volumes

The almost overwhelming flow of religious books continues to pour forth from the publishers. It appears that 1969 will be another banner year, certainly insofar as quantity is concerned. The following list is prepared from information provided by the publishers and is intended to give the reader an overview of the religious publishing field as well as to call his attention to individual volumes that may be of particular interest to him.

Topics that have been in the spotlight during the past year—ecumenics, social issues, situation ethics, the nature and authority and mission of the Church, the historical roots of the Gospels—continue to be priority items.

Evangelical readers will be delighted at the prospect of further works from such outstanding writers as S. Barton Babbage, G. C. Berkouwer, F. F. Bruce, Vernon Grounds, Carl F. H. Henry, J. W. Montgomery, Leon Morris, Bernard Ramm, Francis Schaeffer, J. R. W. Stott, and Cornelius Van Til.

Although we will be able to judge the quality of this year’s crop only as the books begin to appear, we have indicated with an asterisk the volumes that publishers consider their most significant religious publications.

AESTHETICS, ARCHITECTURE, MUSICCONCORDIA: Organ Handbook by H. Klotz and Christian Art in Africa and Asia by A. Lehmann. FUNK AND WAGNALLS: *Churches of the Holy Land by G. Bushnell, O.F.M. HARPER & ROW: Environmental Man by W. Kuhns. HERALD: The Mennonite Hymnal. JOHN KNOX: The Now Generation by D. Benson. MACMILLAN: The Two Hands of God by A. Watts and The Anthem in England and America by E. Weinandt and R. Young. PRINCETON: Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins by A. Grabar. WORD: Seekers after Mature Faith by E. G. Hinson and In Search of Balance by V. M. Kott.

APOLOGETICS, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCEABINGDON: Openings for Marxist-Christian Dialogue edited by T. Ogletree, and Science, Secularization, and God by K. Cauthen. BAKER: Conflict and Harmony in Science and the Bible by J. Sears and Therefore Stand by W. Smith. BETHANY: Twentieth Century Prophecy: Jean Dixon, Edgar Cayce by the Christian Research Institute. BRUCE: Future of Man by E. Bianchi. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY: *The Religious Significance of Atheism by A. MacIntyre and P. Ricoeur. CORPUS: The Reasonableness of Faith by D. Allen and Responsibility in Modern Religious Ethics by A. Jonsen. EERDMANS: Christian Letters to a Post-Christian World by D. Sayers. GOOD NEWS: *Conquest of Inner Space by L. Dolphin, Jr. HARPER & ROW: Evolution: The Theory of Teilhard De Chardin by B. Delfgaauw, Identity and Difference by M. Heidegger, A Place to Stand by E. Trueblood. HARVARD: Early German Philosophy by Beck and Late Latin Writers and Their Greek Sources by P. Courcelle. HERDER AND HERDER: Love Alone by H. Urs von Balthasar, Faith and Reflection by H. Dumery and Hearers of the Word by K. Rahner. INTER-VARSITY: *Death in the City by F. Schaeffer, Philosophy and the Christian Faith by C. Brown, and Runaway World by M. Green. JOHN KNOX: Fifty Key Words in Philosophy by K. Ward. MCGILL UNIVERSITY: Standing and Understanding by S. Frost. MACMILLAN: A Search for God in Time and Memory by J. Dunne, The Historian and the Believer by V. Harvey, and On Death and Dying by E. Ross. MOODY: Protestant Christian Evidences by B. Ramm. OXFORD: New Essays on Religious Language edited by D. M. High. PRESBYTERIAN AND REFORMED: Organic Evolution and the Christian Faith by J. B. Davidheiser, Education in the Truth by N. De Jong, Christian Theory of Knowledge by C. Van Til, and Zen-Existentialism by L. S. Chang. SCRIBNER: Integral Humanism by J. Maritain and Existence and Love by W. A. Sadler, Jr. SHEED AND WARD: The Death in Every Now by R. Ochs, S.J., Christian Anthropocentrism by J. Metz, and Logic: The Art of Inference and Prediction by D. Kane, O.P. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO: Religious and Anti-Religious Thought in Russia by G. Kline, Philosophy by K. Jaspers. WORLD: Humanism and Christianity by M. D’Arcy. ZONDERVAN: The Faith of a Scientist by G. Glegg, Where Is History Going? by J. W. Montgomery, and The Vacuum of Unbelief by S. B. Babbage.

ARCHAEOLOGY BAKER: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible by C. Pfeiffer (revised reprint), Babylon and the Bible by G. Larue, and *Baker’s Pictorial Introduction to Biblical Archaeology by B. Boyd. KNOPF: Historical Archaeology by I. Hume. WORD: An Archaeologist Looks at the Gospel by J. Kelso.

BIBLE COMMENTARIES, DICTIONARIES and TRANSLATIONSABINGDON: Young Readers Dictionary of the Bible. BAKER: Exposition of Daniel by H. Leupold. BEACON HILL: *Beacon Bible Commentary, Volume I. BROADMAN: The Broadman Bible Commentary, Volume I: Genesis and Exodus, and Volume VIII: Matthew and Mark. CORPUS: Dictionary of the Council, edited by J. Deretz and A. Nocent. EERDMANS: *Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume VI by G. Kittel and G. Friedrich, Obadiah: A Critical Exegetical Commentary by J. D. W. Watts, and Wesleyan Bible Commentary, Volume III edited by C. Carter. FORTRESS, HERDER AND HERDER: Taizé Picture Bible, adapted from the Jerusalem Bible. HERDER AND HERDER: New Testament for Spiritual Reading edited by J. L. McKenzie. MACMILLAN: Four Prophets by J. B. Phillips. MOODY: Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah by G. Luck. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY: *Translating for King James edited by Ward Allen. ZONDERVAN: *The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Atlas by E. M. Blaiklock et al.

BIBLICAL STUDIES, GENERALABINGDON: If Man Is To Live by B. Currin, The Bible and History edited by W. Barclay, and Taking The Bible Seriously by L. Keck. AUGSBURG: In Search of Ultimates by W. Streng, The Bible Speaks Again by the Dutch Reformed Church, and Creation, Fall, and Flood by T. Fretheim. BRUCE: Questions about Jesus by J. Hichl. CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE: The Lord’s Prayer: The Living Word by R. Snowden. CONCORDIA: Earth with Heaven by R. Kaemmerer. EERDMANS: New Testament Development of the Old Testament by F. F. Bruce. HERDER AND HERDER: On the Grace and Humanity of Jesus by J. Martin. SCRIBNER: The Growth of the Biblical Tradition by K. Koch. WESTMINSTER: The King and the Kingdom by W. Barclay. WORD: The Bible, the Supernatural and the Jews by M. Phillips. ZONDERVAN: The Bible—the Living Word of Revelation by M. Tenney et al., Holy Bible: The New Berkeley Version (revision), and All the Trades and Occupations of the Bible by H. Lockyer.

BIBLICAL STUDIES, OLD TESTAMENTABINGDON: Amos and Isaiah: Prophets of the Word of God by J. Ward. CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE: A Man Just Like Us by H. Fife. DOUBLEDAY: Jews, Justice and Judaism by R. St. John and The Worship of Israel: A Re-assessment by W. Harrelson. EERDMANS: The Prophet of Israel by H. Ellison and Proverbs—Isaiah 39 by A. Cundall. FORTRESS: Luther and the Old Testament by H. Bomkamm and The Theology of the Book of Ruth by R. Hals. HARPER & ROW: Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament by T. Gaster. HARVARD: *From Shadow to Promise by J. Preus. JOHN KNOX: Tradition for Crisis by W. Brueggemann and A Guide to the Prophets by S. Winward. JUDSON: Contemporary Old Testament Theologians by R. Laurin. LOIZEAUX: *The Prophecies of Daniel by L. Strauss. MOODY: An Introduction to Old Testament Prophets by H. Freeman, The End Times by H. Hoyt, The Jew and Modern Israel by M. Lindberg, and Prophecy of Ezekiel by C. Feinberg. PAULIST: Bibletime Series by M. Bouhys. SHEED AND WARD: Path to Freedom: Christian Experiences and the Bible by J. Corbon. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY: A Rigid Scrutiny: Critical Essays on the Old Testament by I. Engnell. WESTMINSTER: Isaiah 40–66, A Commentary by C. Westermann. WORD: Psychology in the Psalms by M. Inch.

BIBLICAL STUDIES, NEW TESTAMENTABINGDON: The Deeds of Christ by H. Bosley, Mark the Evangelist by W. Marxsen, and Interpreting the Gospels by R. Briggs. AUGSBURG: Handbook to the New Testament by C. Westermann. BEACON HILL: That Ye Sin Not by N. Mink. BIBLICAL RESEARCH PRESS: The New Testament Church by E. Ferguson. BROADMAN: The Practical Message of James by H. Colson and Studies in the Epistle of James by A. Robertson (reprint). CONCORDIA: The Books of the New Testament by H. Mayer. CORPUS: I Saw a New Earth: An Introduction to the Visions of the Apocalypse by P. Minear. EERDMANS: Jesus and the Twelve by R. Meye and Studies in the Fourth Gospel by L. Morris. FORTRESS: What Can We Know About Jesus? by Bornkamm, Hahn, and Lohff and The Beginnings of Christology by W. Marxsen. HARPER & ROW: An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament by H. Conzelmann and The New Testament Speaks by Barker, Lane, and Michaels. HERALD: The Christian Way by J. Miller. HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON: Is It I, Lord? by Uleyn. INTER-VARSITY: Philippians by B. Boyd. JUDSON: Paul and Philippians by J. Berkeley. KREGEL: Behold, He Cometh! by H. Hoeksema. PRENTICE-HALL: The New Testament Themes for Contemporary Man by R. Ryan, C.S.J. REVELL: Hidden Meaning in the New Testament by R. Ward. SCRIBNER: Saint Paul by C. Buck and G. Taylor. SHEED AND WARD: The Gospel Parables by E. Armstrong. TYNDALE: Contemporary Commentaries (Mark) by R. Wolff and Greatest Life Ever Lived and Promises of Jesus, both by K. Taylor. WESTMINSTER: According to John—The New Look at the Fourth Gospel by A. M. Hunter. WORD: *The Children’s New Testament translated by G. Ledyard and The Hope of Glory by M. Loane. ZONDERVAN: Plain Talk on John by M. Gutzke, John the Baptist by M. Loane, and Jesus—Human and Divine by H. McDonald.

BIOGRAPHYEERDMANS: Captive to the Word (Martin Luther) by A. S. Wood. HARPER & ROW: The Life and Death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by M. Bosanquet. HARVARD: Coleridge and Christian Doctrine by Barth. HERDER AND HERDER: Pentecost Comes to Central Park by R. York. JUDSON: Axling, A Christian Presence in Japan by L. Hine. REVELL: I Remember, I Remember by L. Glenn with C. Smith. SCRIBNER: Erasmus of Christendom by R. Bainton. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO: Dwight L. Moody: American Evangelist, 1837–1899 by J. Findlay, Jr. WARNER: Giants Along My Path by D. Oldham. WORD: God Owns My Business by S. Tam, as told to Ken Anderson, and The Gutter and the Ghetto by D. Wilkerson. WORLD: Richelieu by D. P. O’Connell. ZONDERVAN: M. R. DeHaan—The Country Doctor Who Went Global by J. Adair, Not Made for Defeat—The Authorized Biography of Oswald J. Smith by D. Hall, and By Life or by Death (Viet Nam martyrs) by J. Hefley.

CHURCH HISTORYABINGDON: Preaching in American History edited by D. Holland. AUGSBURG: The Lutheran Free Church by E. Fevold. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY: Peter in Rome: The Literary, Liturgical, and Archaeological Evidence by D. O’Connor. CORPUS: The Church as Enemy: Anticlericalism in Nineteenth Century French Literature by J. Moody. DOUBLEDAY: The Last Years of the Church by D. Poling. EERDMANS: The Early Christian Church by H. Chadwick. FORTRESS: Jewish Christianity by H. Schoeps, Patterns of the Reformation by G. Rupp, and Luther’s Works, Volume 42. HARCOURT, BRACE AND WORLD: The Counter Reformation by A. G. Dickens. HARPER & ROW: The Catholic Reformation by J. Olin. HERDER AND HERDER: The Reformation in Germany by J. Lortz. HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON: Pre-Columbian American Religions by Krickeberg and The Roman Catholic Church by McKenzie. JOHN KNOX: The Churchmanship of St. Cyprian by G. S. M. Walker. JUDSON: Baptist Successionism by W. M. Patterson. MACMILLAN: The Oxford Conspirators by M. O’Connell. MOODY: MBI—The Story of Moody Bible Institute by G. Getz. OXFORD: The Story of the General Theological Seminary by P. M. Dawley and The First Christian Century: Certainties and Uncertainties by S. Sandmel. PRINCETON: Tradition and Authority in the Western Church, 300–1140 by K. Morrison. SEABURY: Can’t You Hear Me Calling?, by L. Carter. STANFORD: The Fathers of the Latin Church by H. von Campenhausen, translated by Manfred Hoffman. YALE: Development of Christian Doctrine by J. Pelikan.

DEVOTIONALABINGDON: Daily Readings from the Works of Leslie D. Weatherhead edited by F. Cumbers, The Person I Am by G. Asquith, and Trails and Turnpikes by C. Price. AUGSBURG: Safe in His Arms by H. Wislöff. BAKER: Devotions for Children by M. Larson, We Need You Here Lord: Prayers from the City by A. Blackwood, and A Very Present Help by D. Elliot. BEACON HILL: Lift Up Thine Eyes, a compilation from Come Ye Apart. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: Reigning with Christ by F. J. Huegel. BROADMAN: The Faces of God by S. Schreiner. CONCORDIA: Hosanna in the Whirlwind by O. P. Kretzmann, and God Is No Island by O. Hoffmann. FORTRESS: Uncovered Feelings by H. Brokering. INTER-VARSITY: Ten Great Freedoms by E. Lange, The Greatness of Christ by J. Paterson, This Morning With God, Volume II edited by Carol Adeney. JOHN KNOX: Moving the Earth—for a Song by M. Gaillard, JUDSON: The Cross in Hymns by F. Rest, My Window World by E. Whitehouse, and Faithlifters by J. Lavender. KREGEL: Fully Furnished. The Christian Worker’s Equipment by F. Marsh and The Structural Principles of the Bible by F. Marsh. LIPPINCOTT: So Who’s Afraid of Birthdays? by Anna B. Mow and Prayers to Pray Wherever You Are by J. Struchen. LOIZEAUX: Living Wisely: A Devotional Study of the First Epistle to the Corinthians by J. Blair and Sins of Saints by H. Lockyer. MOODY: Spiritual Maturity by J. Sanders. PAULIST: That Man in You by L. Evely and Before the Deluge by S. Moore and A. Hurt. REVELL: Eight Keys to Happiness by W. Hamby and Trustful Living by C. Holtermann. TYNDALE: When You Pray by H. Lindsell, and Words Fitly Spoken by D. G. Barnhouse. WARNER: Devotions You Can Lead by R. Swisher and God in My Family by D. Haskin. WORD: Sprint for the Sun by L. D. Young, A Man Talks With God and Earth, Moon, and Beyond both by B. Parrott. ZONDERVAN: Sourcebook for Mothers by E. Doan, New Every Morning by P. Howard, God Still Speaks to Women Today by Eugenia Price, and Guidance by God by J. H. Jauncey.

DRAMA, FICTION, POETRYAUGSBURG: What Did Jesus Do? and Chancel Dramas for Lent by W. A. Poovey. BEACON HILL: Going on Seventeen by M. F. Boggs and Joy in the Morning by K. B. Peck. BROADMAN: Drama for Fun by C. McGee, Ironing Board Altars by M. A. Bohrs, and Return to Heroism by R. A. Johns. CONCORDIA: Never Underestimate the Little Woman by C. Start. EERDMANS: “Contemporary Writers in Christian Perspective” series—Marianne Moore, by Sister Therese. Spender, MacNeice, Day-Lewis by D. Stanford, C. S. Lewis by P. Kreeft, and Evelyn Waugh by P. Doyle. FORTRESS: Dark Side of the Moon by P. Naylor. HARPER & ROW: The Fantasy Worlds of Peter Stone and Other Fables by M. Boyd and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven by G. Freeman. HERALD: The Outside World by L. E. Bender. Night Preacher by L. Vernon, and Lucy Winchester by C. C. Kauffman. KNOPF: In the House of the Lord by R. Flynn. LIPPINCOTT: New Moon Rising by Eugenia Price. MACMILLAN: False Gods, Real Men by D. Berrigan. MOODY: Lost City by C. E. Gruhn and Then I Am Strong by F. Arnold. REVELL: Favorite Christian Poems compiled by D. T. Kauffman. WARNER: Egermeier’s Bible Story Book (a new revision) by E. Egermeier and A. Hall. WORD: No Man in Eden by H. L. Myra. WORLD: Are You Sure You Love Me? by L. W. May. ZONDERVAN: Beside Still Waters by P. Michael and The Fragmented, The Empty, The Love by P. Bard.

ECUMENICS, INTER-FAITH DIALOGUEABINGDON: John Wesley’s Letter to a Roman Catholic edited by M. Hurley, S.J. and Methodism’s Destiny in an Ecumenical Age edited by Paul M. Minus Jr. AUGSBURG, PAULIST: *Luther: Right or Wrong? by H. J. McSorley, C.S.P. and Church in Fellowship, Volume II by P. E. Hoffman and H. Meyer. BROADMAN: Meet the American Catholic by P. Scharper. BRUCE: Forms of Christian Life by F. Schlosser. FUNK AND WAGNALLS: Men of Dialogue: Martin Buber and Albrecht Goes edited by E. W. Rollins and H. Zohn. HARPER & ROW: Phenomenology of Religion by J. Bettis and Attitudes Toward Other Religions by O. Thomas. JOHN KNOX: Power Without Glory: A Study in Ecumenical Politics by I. Henderson. MACMILLAN: The Christian-Marxist Dialogue by P. Oestreicher. PAULIST: Dare to Reconcile by J. O. Nelson. SHEED AND WARD: The One Bread by M. Thurian and Reconciliation: The Function of the Church by E. C. Bianchi. ZONDEVAN: Ecumenicity, Evangelicals and Rome by J. W. Montgomery.

ETHICAL, SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, CULTURAL STUDIESABINGDON: Young People and Their Culture by R. Snyder, The Church and the New Generation by C. E. Mowry, Black Power and Christian Responsibility by C. F. Sleeper, The Young Adult Generation by A. J. Moore, and The Dialogue Gap by T. J. Mullen. AUGSBURG: Modern War and the Christian by R. Moellering. BAKER: Make Up Your Minds! Challenges for Young Christians by J. D. Baumann and Who’s Out of Focus by D. R. Seagren. BEACON HILL: Pilgrim’s Progress, a paraphrase by J. K. Grider, Share My Discoveries by K. Johnson and We Also Build by E. Lewis. BROADMAN: One Plus One Equals One by K. Arvin, Persons in Crises by R. Hudson, and Christian Communicator’s Handbook by F. A. Craig. BRUCE: The Gospel According to Madison Avenue by R. Hutchinson, Quality of Life by C. P. Kindregan, and New Morality or No Morality edited by R. Campbell. CONCORDIA: Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business by H. Gram, Crime in American Society by R. Knudten, and Power Structures and the Church by D. Schuller. CORPUS: Nonviolent Direct Action: American Cases—Social-Psychological Analyses edited by A. P. Hare and H. H. Blumberg and *Controversy: The Birth Control Debate 1958–1968 by A. Valsecchi. DOUBLEDAY: Catholic Education Faces Its Future by N. G. McCluskey, S.J., TheAbortion Decision by D. Granfreld, O.S.B., and Catholics and Divorce by R. G. Carey. EERDMANS: They Dare to Hope: Student Protest and Christian Response by F. Pearson and Black Reflections on White Power by S. Tucker. FORTRESS: God’s Basic Law by K. Hennig and Children—Choice or Chance by K. Wrage. GOOD NEWS: Sex Through the Looking Glass by L. Dolphin Jr. and C. E. Gallivan. HARPER & ROW: College Ruined Our Daughter by W. Shrader and The Search for a Usable Future by M. Marty. HERALD: The Church and the Single Person by F. Bontrager, World Hunger by C. F. Bishop, Soldiers of Compassion by U. A. Bender, and The Problem of Nationalist in Church-State Relationships by J. E. Wood Jr. HERDER AND HERDER: Lovers in Marriage by L. Evely and From Faith to Fantasy by W. Kuhns. HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON: Politics of the Gospel by Paupert. JOHN KNOX: War and Moral Discourse by R. B. Potter, Freedom City by L. Howell, *The Liberated Zone by J. P. Brown, and Disturbed About Man by B. E. Mays. JUDSON: The Black Vanguard by R. Brisbane, Cybernetics and People by C. Hall, and *Ashes for Breakfast by T. J. Holmes. KNOPF: The Divine Order by H. B. Parkes. LIPPINCOTT: Christian Ethics by D. H. C. Read. MACMILLAN: A Punishment for Peace by P. Berrigan, The Catholic Case for Contraception by D. Callahan, On Not Leaving It to the Snake by H. Cox, *The Delta Ministry by B. Hilton. MOODY: Christian Etiquette by D. Martin and Come for Coffee by M. Wise. OXFORD: College Talks by H. F. Lowry, edited by J. R. Blackwood and Religion and Social Conflict edited by R. Lee and M. E. Marty. PAULIST: Catholicism U. S. A. by G. H. Tavard, A.A. and Catholic Pentecostals by K. and D. Ranaghan. PRESBYTERIAN AND REFORMED: Commission versus Creation by F. N. Lee and Communism and the Reality of the Moral Law by J. Bales. REVELL: We’re Holding Your Son by G. R. McLean and God’s Turf by B. Combs. SCRIBNERS: The Religious Experience of Mankind by N. Smart and The Judgment of the Dead by S. G. F. Brandon. SEABURY: *Violence: Reflections from A Christian Perspective by J. Ellul, Civil Disobedience and the Christian by D. B. Stevick, and Black Theology and Black Power by J. H. Cone. SHEED AND WARD: “Move Over”: Students, Politics, Religion by F. Carling and Alienation, Atheism and Religious Revolution by T. F. O’Dea. TYNDALE: *Birth Control and The Christian, a symposium by the Christian Medical Society. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO: Myths and Symbols: Studies in Honor of Mircea Eliade edited by J. M. Kitagawa, and *The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion by M. Eliade. WESTMINSTER: China—Yellow Peril? Red Hope? by C. R. Hensman and Theology and the Church in the University by J. Hartt. VANDERBILT: Controversy in the Twenties edited by W. B. Gatewood Jr. WARNER: Cry Over Me by J. Testerman. WORD: Seven Who Fought by W. Crook and The Cutting Edge compiled by H. C. Brown Jr. WORLD: Still Hungry in America, text by R. Coles and All to the Good: A Guide to Christian Ethics by R. B. and H. D. McLaren. ZONDERVAN: The God-Players by E. Jabay, The Compulsive Christian by D. Mason, Love in Action by W. Becker, The Urban Crisis by D. McKenna et al., The Lord Is My Shepherd But … by B. Jurgensen, The Vacuum of Unbelief by S. B. Babbage, Where Is History Going? by J. W. Montgomery, Guiding Teenagers to Maturity by J. H. Waterink, Learning for Loving by J. Burton, and Purple Violet-Squish by D. Wilkerson.

LITURGY, WORSHIPABINGDON: Bless This Mess and Other Prayers by J. Carr and I. Sorley, Prayer and the Living Christ by F. S. Wuellner, Look at Us, Lord! by R. M. Haven, Liturgies in a Time When Cities Burn by K. Watkins, and Reality and Prayer by J. B. Magee. BRUCE: Prayer and the Creative Christian by D. J. Foran. HARPER & ROW: The Centering Moment by H. Thurman. SEABURY: Word and Action edited by J. Kirby.

MISSIONS, EVANGELISM, CHURCH OUTREACHABINGDON: A Church Truly Catholic by J. K. Mathews, Include Me Out! by C. Morris, and The Theology of the Christian Mission edited by G. H. Anderson. AUGSBURG: Anutu Conquers New Guinea by A. C. Frerichs. BAKER: The Little General: The Story of J. T. Bach by T. Watkins, Jr. BEACON HILL: Christ’s Evangelistic Imperatives by E. S. Colaw, and Entering the Kingdom by G. F. Owen. BETHANY: *Current Mission Trends compiled by M. Mardock. BROADMAN: The New Times by A. McClellan. CONCORDIA: The Holy Infection by P. Bretscher. EERDMANS: The Spread of Christianity: A Bibliography by K. S. Latourette, Church Growth in Sierra Leone by G. W. Olson, Understanding Church Growth by D. McGavran, Repaid A Hundredfold by C. Leonard, Our Guilty Silence by J. R. W. Stott, Post-Christianity in Africa by G. C. Oosthuizen, and Jesus and His Nice Church by E. J. Richter. FORTRESS: Reviving the Local Church by D. Ernsberger and The Renewal of Preaching by D. J. Randolph. GOOD NEWS: Where the Action Is by D. Hillis. HARPER & ROW: Hammered as Gold by D. Howard. HERALD: Learning to Understand the Mission of the Church by E. Waltner and Evangelization and Social Responsibility by V. C. Grounds. JOHN KNOX: The Quality of Mercy by J. Steensma. JUDSON: The Reconciling Community by O. Tibbetts. MOODY: Footsteps to Freedom by L. Keidel and Beyond Combat by J. M. Hutchens. PAULIST: Modern Mission Dialogue: Theory and Practice edited by Pro Mundi Vita. REVELL: Dry Bones Can Live Again by R. E. Coleman and How In the World? by C. E. Johnson. WARNER: Go Man, Go, by F. Gardner, Carroll Dale Scores Again by D. Harman and C. Dale, and The Total Life by M. Crimm. WORD: House by the Bow Tree by R. Seamands, Don’t Sleep Through the Revolution by P. Rees, Doctor in An Old World by H. Raley, Christianity in Communist China by G. Patterson, Struggle For Integrity by W. Knight, and Neither Black Nor White by D. Shipley. WORLD: Take It to the People by H. E. Mumma. ZONDERVAN: By Life or by Death by J. C. Hefley and Heartcry for Revival by S. Olford.

PASTORAL THEOLOGYABINGDON: Stability Amid Change by G. Harkness, Pastoral Authority in Personal Relationships by S. Southard, Ferment in the Ministry by S. Hiltner, The Multiple Staff Ministry by M. T. Judy, and The Impact of the Future by L. E. Schaller. BEACON HILL: Making Prayer Dynamic by G. Cove. BIBLICAL RESEARCH PRESS: *Preaching to Modern Man by F. Pack and P. Meador, Jr. BROADMAN: When He Calls Me by W. W. Warmath and Has God Called You? by H. Barnette. BRUCE: The Priesthood in Crisis by J. J. Blomjous, Contemporary Pastoral Counseling by E. Weitzel, The Priest as Manager by J. Deegan Jr., and Authority and Institution by James Drain. EERDMANS: The Contemporary Preacher and His Task by D. W. Yohn. FORTRESS: Ministering to Prisoners and Their Families by Kandle and Cassler and Counseling the Childless Couple by Bassett. HERALD: *Meditations for the Newly Married by J. Drescher, After High School—What? by A. Beechy, and several additions to the “Hospital Pamphlet Series.” JOHN KNOX: In Quest of a Ministry by J. P. Love. JUDSON: Strategic Planning for Church Organizations by R. Broholm, The Deacon in a Changing Church by Thomas, and The Pastor Deals with Crucial Human Situations by Oates and Lester. KREGEL: Last Words of Saints and Sinners: The Art of Dying by H. Lockyer. MACMILLAN: A Church Without Priests? by J. Duquesne. PAULIST: Priesthood and Ministry by R. J. Bastian and A Handbookfor Lectors by W. M. Carr. PRENTICE-HALL: Introduction to Religious Counseling: A Christian Humanistic Approach by R. P. Vaughan, S.J. REVELL: Kindlings by I. Macpherson and Man, Have I Got Problems by D. Wilkerson. SEABURY: Up From Grief by V. Kreis and A. Pattie and Demands on Ministry Today by G. W. Barrett. SHEED AND WARD: *Religious Values in Counseling and Psychotherapy by C. A. Curran and The In-Between: Evolution in Christian Faith by M. McMahon and P. A. Campbell. WARNER: Marriage in Perspective by H. Streeter. WORD: The Centrality of Preaching in the Total Task of the Ministry by J. Killinger. WORLD: Creative Churchmanship by D. W. Bartow and Church Politics by K. R. Bridston. ZONDERVAN: The Challenge of the Church by S. M. Lockridge.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONABINGDON: Cycles and Renewal by W. M. Ramsey, Christian Education in Local Methodist Churches by J. Q. Schisler, and Christian Word Book by J. S. Hendricks et al. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: Happy Moments with God by M. Anderson. BROADMAN: Leading Dynamic Bible Study by R. A. Pierce. BRUCE: The Human Dimension of Catechetics by A. McBride, For Adult Catholics Only by T. W. Guzi, S.J. and Living, Loving Generation by D. and R. Lucey. CONCORDIA: Power Beyond Words by Johamann. HAWTHORN: The Fourth R: What Can Be Taught About Religion in the Public Schools. HERDER AND HERDER: Faith and Spiritual Life by Y. Congar. HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON: To Build a Church by Morse. INTER-VARSITY: Encounter with Books edited by Harish Merchant. JUDSON: Knowing the Living God by R. Hazelton and Discussion Starters for Young People, Series Two by A. Billups. PEGASUS: *The Politics of Religious Conflict: Church and State in America by R. Morgan and Religion, The State and the Schools by J. M. Swomley Jr. WARNER: “Foundations” series on church-school administration and teaching pre-elementary, elementary, youth, and adults. WORD: Biblical Sunday School Commentary, 1970.

SERMONSABINGDON: The Journey That Men Make by J. Armstrong, We Dream—We Climb by D. N. Franklin and The Wind of the Spirit by J. S. Stewart. AUGSBURG: The Call of Lent by J. G. Manz and What Did Jesus Do? by W. A. Poovey. BAKER: 150 Brief Sermon Outlines edited by C. Zylstra and 600 Sermon Illustrations by W. J. Hart. BEACON HILL: The Rich Treasures in Life by D. M. Parish. BIBLICAL RESEARCH PRESS: The King and His Kingdom by R. Lemmons. CONCORDIA: The Bitter Road by J. H. Baumgaertner. FORTRESS: How Modern Should Theology Be? by H. Thielicke. JUDSON: Dialogue Preaching by Thompson and Bennett. KREGEL: Easy-to-Use Sermon Outlines, Revival Sermon Outlines, and Evangelistic Sermon Outlines, all by C. R. Wood. REVELL: Where Now Is Thy God? by J. W. Hamilton and Sermons for Today edited by A. H. Chappie. E. J. WORD: God’s Everlasting “Yes” by I. T. Jones and The Spirit in Conflict by W. Warmath. WORLD: A Word in Its Season by A. H. Silver. ZONDERVAN: Preaching at the Palace by W. A. Criswell, Simple Sermons on Heaven, Hell and Judgment by W. H. Ford, The Preeminence of Christ by J. H. Gwynne, and Last Things by H. L. Eddleman et al.

THEOLOGYABINGDON: Contours of Faith by J. Dillinberger, His End Up by V. Eller, Perspectives on Death by L. O. Mills, *Sense and Nonsense in Religion by S. H. Stenson and Contemporary Continental Theologians by S. P. Schilling. AUGSBURG: A New Look at the Apostles’ Creed by G. Rein, Berdyaev’s Philosophy of Hope by C. S. Calian, and Interpreting Luther’s Legacy by F. W. Meuser and S. D. Schneider. BAKER: Tongues, Healing and You! by D. W. Hillis. BEACON HILL: Personal Renewal Through Christian Conversion by W. C. Mavis and Mother Goose’s Gospel by E. Wells. BROADMAN: The Christian Faith: An Introduction to Christian Thought by D. M. Roark, Why I Preach that the Bible Is Literally True by W. A. Criswell, The Second Cross by J. M. Carter, Faith that Works by B. J. Chitwood, and Signs of the Second Coming by R. G. Witty. BRUCE: Spectrum of Catholic Attitudes edited by R. Campbell, Understanding the New Theology by Cooney, O.S.B., and Contemporary Protestant Thought by P. J. Curtis. CORPUS: The New Obedience: Kierkegaard on Imitating Christ by B. R. Dewey, The Church in the Theology of Karl Barth by C. O’Grady, and Man Yearning for Grace: Luther’s Early Spiritual Teachings by J. Wicks. DOUBLEDAY: The Crisis of Faith by F. Sontag. EERDMANS: Life in One’s Stride: Dietrich Bonhoeffer by K. Hamilton, The Creative Theology of P. T. Forsyth edited by S. Mikolaski, The Sacraments by G. C. Berkouwer, The Problems of Religious Authority (essays by E. J. Carnell) edited by R. Nash, All Things Made New by L. Smedes, and Henry James, Sr., and the Religion of Community by D. W. Hoover. FORTRESS: Theological Ethics Volume II: Politics by H. Thielicke, An Exodus Theology by G. Wingren, and Sacra Doctrina by P. E. Persson. HARPER & ROW: Faith and Understanding by R. Bultmann, Religion and Change by D. Edwards, An Apology for Wonder by S. Keen, What Is Religion by P. Tillich, and Do We Need the Church? by R. McBrien. HARVARD: St. Augustine’s Confessions: The Odyssey of a Soul by R. J. O’Connell, S.J. and King Alfred’s Version of St. Augustine’s Soliloquies by T. A. Carnicelli. HERALD: We Believe by P. Erb. HERDER AND HERDER: Man’s Condition by W. C. Shepherd and Kerygma and Dogma by K. Rahner and K. Lehmann, JOHN KNOX: Bench Marks by J. Farkas, Sören Kierkegaard by R. L. Perkins, Alfred North Whitehead by N. Pittenger, and Christian Doctrine by S. C. Guthrie Jr. LIPPINCOTT: The Promise of Kierkegaard by K. Hamilton, The Promise of Buber by L. Streiker, and The Promise of Bultmann by N. Perrin. MACMILLAN: Christus Victor by G. Aulén, New Theology No. 6 by M. E. Marty and D. G. Peerman, and Mahayana Buddhism by B. L. Suzuki. MOODY: Existentialism and Christian Belief by M. D. Hunnex, *Faith at the Frontiers by C. F. H. Henry, and Law and Grace by A J. McClain. OXFORD: The Christian New Morality: A Biblical Study of Situation Ethics by O. S. Barr and The Knowledge of Things Hoped For: The Sense of Theological Discourse by R. W. Jenson. PAULIST: New Ways in Theology by J. S. Weiland, Do You Believe in God? by K. Rahner, and A New Approach to Faith and Doctrine by G. Baum. PEGASUS: Christianity and Paradox by R. W. Hepburn. PRESBYTERIAN AND REFORMED: Warfield’s Shorter Works edited by J. Meeter. SCRIBNER: Systematic Theology: A Historicist Perspective by G. Kaufman and Religion, Revolution, and the Future by J. Moltmann. SCRIPTURE PRESS: *The Bible and Tomorrow’s News by C. C. Ryrie. SEABURY: History as Myth: The Import for Contemporary Theology by W. T. Stevenson and Death by M. McC. Gatch. SHEED AND WARD: Is Original Sin in Scripture? by H. Haag and God and Man by E. Schillebeeckx. STANFORD: Theology and Meaning: A Critique of Metatheological Skepticism by R. S. Heimbeck. WARNER: A Responding People by G. Newberry and The Soul Under Siege by J. E. Massey. WESTMINSTER: The Whole Man, A Study in Christian Anthropology by R. G. Smith, The Church Is Not Expendable by G. B. Noyce, and Theology and the Kingdom of God by W. Pannenberg. WORD: Jesus and the Kingdom (reprint) by G. E. Ladd. WORLD: Morality Without Law by W. F. Ewbank. ZONDERVAN: Fundamentals of the Faith edited by C. F. H. Henry, Systematic Theology by J. O. Buswell III, The Devil—Our Adversary by J. D. Pentecost, and Beliefs That Are Basic by H. Shannon.

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